First Impressions

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The Pierce family stood by the door, each member preparing in their own way. Sarah was meticulously fixing Damien's tie, a small crease of frustration on her forehead. "How can't you do a simple knot?" she huffed.

Damien playfully rolled his eyes. "Forgive me, mother, but I only wear polo tops normally."

Sarah let out a small laugh before glancing over at Brittany, who was standing nervously in front of their father, Michael, as he inspected her outfit. "It's a little... promiscuous," he commented, his tone critical.

Brittany frowned. "You bought me this," she reminded him.

Michael sighed, gesturing vaguely at her chest. "I didn't think you would grow that much there."

Sarah gasped, and Damien snickered slightly, muttering, "There's barely anything there."

He quickly received a smack to the back of his head from Sarah. "Don't make jokes about women's bodies, or I'll show your future girlfriend baby pictures of you in the bathtub."

Damien's eyes widened, and he quickly muttered, "Sorry."

Just as Brittany was about to respond to her father, there was a knock at the door. The tension in the room heightened as everyone fell silent. Michael straightened up, adjusting his own tie and giving Brittany a once-over with a critical eye.

"Remember, Brittany," Michael said sternly, "first impressions matter."

Brittany nodded, trying to calm the nervous flutter in her stomach. Sarah gave her a reassuring smile, squeezing her hand briefly before stepping back.

"Let's get this over with," Damien muttered, rubbing the back of his head where Sarah had smacked him.

Michael opened the door, revealing the Lopez family standing outside. Hector was in front, his presence imposing but warm. Maribel stood beside him, a gentle smile on her face, while Diego, Sofía and Santana lingered slightly behind, all of them looking equally apprehensive.

"Welcome," Michael said, his voice carrying the formality of the occasion. "Please, come in."

As the Lopez family entered, Brittany couldn't help but steal a glance at Santana, who met her eyes with a mixture of curiosity and nervousness. Brittany took a deep breath, steeling herself for the evening ahead, hoping that this meeting would be more than just another formality in her father's plans.

Michael eyed the three Lopez siblings standing in front of him. "So, which one of you is Santana?" he asked, his tone brusque and inquisitive.

The Lopez siblings exchanged glances, and after a brief moment of hesitation, Santana stepped forward. Damien's jaw dropped as he took in Santana's confident posture and striking presence. He quickly whispered in Brittany's ear, "If you don't marry her, I will."

Brittany swiftly elbowed him in the stomach before anyone could see, causing him to grunt quietly in pain. Despite the subtlety, Santana noticed the exchange and smiled softly before turning her attention back to Michael. She extended her hand, her voice steady and polite. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Michael shot an impressed look at Sarah, who stood nearby. He quickly took Santana's hand in his, giving it a firm shake before dropping it. "Likewise," he said, his voice carrying a hint of approval.

Sarah seized the moment. "The food should be ready by now," she announced, breaking the tension slightly.

The two sets of parents started to make their way to the dining room. As they moved, Diego ran his hand over his stomach, his expression eager. "Good, because I'm hungry," he said confidently, walking forward.

Santana rolled her eyes at her brother's antics, while Sofía snickered behind her hand. The siblings followed their parents, with Brittany and Damien bringing up the rear. Damien rubbed his stomach where Brittany had elbowed him, giving her a mock glare. Brittany ignored him, her attention drifting back to Santana, who was now walking beside her.

As they entered the dining room, the atmosphere was a mix of formality and curiosity. Brittany's nerves eased slightly as she saw Santana's composed demeanor, giving her a sliver of hope that perhaps this evening wouldn't be as daunting as she had feared.

Michael gestured for everyone to sit down, and they quickly complied as the maids set out the food in front of them. The aroma of the carefully prepared dishes filled the room, adding to the formal yet tense atmosphere. Santana leaned closer to Brittany, her voice teasing. "How fancy are you?"

Brittany blushed at Santana's closeness but managed a grin. "I know, right?" she whispered back, feeling a bit more at ease.

Michael cleared his throat, drawing the room's attention. "So, Santana, what are your plans for the future?"

Santana straightened up, her confidence unwavering. "I would like to pursue my acting and modeling career, but I am also working on learning to produce music and movies."

Hector smiled proudly at his daughter before directing the same question at Brittany. "And you, Brittany?"

Brittany flushed nervously but gathered her courage. "I also want to continue being an actress, and someday I hope to own a dance studio."

Michael quickly interjected, his tone dismissive. "She has been put into business classes since she was three, so without my help, I don't think she could achieve that goal."

Santana frowned, noticing how Brittany stiffened at her father's words. Without thinking, she reached out and gently tapped Brittany's thigh, catching her attention. Brittany looked down at the unexpected contact and saw Santana offering her hand. Confused but touched by the gesture, Brittany hesitated only for a moment before intertwining their fingers.

Michael continued to boast about being the main cause of Brittany's success, oblivious to the silent exchange between the two girls. Brittany squeezed Santana's hand, drawing strength from the unexpected support. She looked up at Santana, who gave her a reassuring smile.

Sarah, seated across the table, noticed the interaction and suppressed a smile, feeling a flicker of optimism for her daughter.

Damien looked over at Brittany, noticing her blushing while Santana appeared proud of herself. He stared at Brittany until she caught his gaze, her expression puzzled. He mouthed, "Is she?" then subtly jutted his chin toward beneath the table.

Brittany took the hint, glancing down to see Damien's middle and ring fingers stuck up from his closed fist as he wiggled them suggestively. She gasped, her cheeks burning hotter, and quickly kicked his leg under the table. Damien surged forward, hitting his chin on the table with a painful grunt.

All eyes turned to him. Maribel leaned forward, concerned. "Are you okay?"

Damien rubbed his shin, forcing a strained smile. Brittany, her tone overly sweet, asked, "Yeah, are you okay, Damien?"

He glared at her but kept his smile in place. "I felt a spider."

Sofía gasped, her eyes wide. "Really?"

Damien nodded, still rubbing his leg. "It felt like a big one."

Santana noticed her sister growing pale and rolled her eyes, mouthing to Sofía, "He's lying."

Sofía took a deep breath, visibly relaxing after her sister's reassurance, and nodded. The tension in the room eased as the focus shifted away from Damien's outburst.

Michael cleared his throat, bringing the conversation back to more formal matters. "Let's continue with dinner."

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