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Michael sat on the edge of the bed, loosening his tie with a smooth, practiced motion. The soft rustle of fabric accompanied the clink of Sarah's makeup bottles as she removed her makeup at the vanity. The quiet intimacy of the evening wrapped around them like a familiar blanket.

Sarah glanced at Michael through the mirror. "What did you think about them?" she asked, her voice calm but curious.

Michael looked over his shoulder, meeting her eyes briefly. "They have a good reputation," he replied, turning back to finish with his tie.

Sarah hummed thoughtfully, applying the last bit of cleanser to her face. "I've seen some of Hector's work. He's very good at what he does."

"That might be true," Michael said, placing his tie neatly on the nightstand, "but we need to focus on how well Santana would fit into this family."

Sarah sighed, a hint of frustration slipping through her composed demeanor. "I think she and Brittany would make a good couple."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Them appearing as a good couple doesn't matter. What matters is what she can bring to us."

Sarah cocked an eyebrow, starting to take off her earrings. "Santana's a good actress. She's even played alongside John Travolta."

Michael huffed, dismissively. "So did Zac Efron."

Undeterred, Sarah moved closer to her husband, her eyes earnest. "I think Santana is the best choice to marry Brittany."

Michael shrugged, acknowledging the point with a small nod. "She is an improvement from Noah."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Santana has a great future ahead of her. I think she is the right option."

Michael looked away, the weight of the decision pressing on him. Sarah gently rubbed his arms, her touch comforting. "Let me think about it," he mumbled, the conflict clear in his voice.

Sarah nodded, understanding. She pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before heading to the bathroom, leaving Michael to his thoughts.


Santana leaned against the cool glass of the car window, her thoughts drifting as the scenery blurred by. The gentle hum of the engine and the rhythm of the road had lulled her into a near-sleep state. Hector glanced at her through the rearview mirror, a small smile playing on his lips.

"So, what did you think of Brittany?" Hector asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

Diego piped up immediately. "She's hot."

Sofía rolled her eyes and swatted at Diego's thigh. "That's not what papí meant," she chided, then added more softly, "She seemed kind."

Both siblings turned to look at Santana, who was on the verge of falling asleep. She mumbled something, her voice barely audible. "Good."

Maribel frowned slightly. "Good at what?"

Santana's eyes closed fully now, her words slurring into a nearly incoherent mumble. "Kisser."

Sofía leaned closer, intrigued. "What did you say?"

Hector turned his head slightly, keeping an eye on the road. "Santana, repeat that, please."

Even quieter this time, Santana mumbled, "Kisser."

Sofía's eyes widened with realization, and she burst into laughter. Santana groaned, covering her ears with her hands and burrowing further into the door, trying to escape the noise.

Diego, confused, asked, "What did she say?"

Sofía smirked, still chuckling. "Apparently, Brittany is a good kisser."

Hector and Diego joined in the laughter, their amusement filling the car. Maribel rolled her eyes, but an amused smile tugged at her lips as well.

Ten minutes later, they pulled up to their house. The car's headlights illuminated the driveway, and the soft ticking of the cooling engine filled the silence. Hector noticed Santana, practically knocked out in the back seat, her head resting awkwardly against the window. He turned to Diego, who immediately pretended to be asleep too, his head lolling to one side in exaggerated fashion.

Hector narrowed his eyes warningly. "Diego," he muttered.

Diego groaned but complied, sitting up with a dramatic sigh. He reluctantly got out of the car and walked around to Santana's side. With a quick motion, he opened the door, causing Santana's body to slip off the seat, only just held in place by her seatbelt. His eyes widened in panic, and he quickly shoved her back fully onto the seat, glancing around to make sure no one saw.

For the next four minutes, Diego struggled, wrestling with the seatbelt and Santana's limp form. He finally managed to drape her over his shoulder, her arms hanging down lifelessly. He staggered slightly under her weight, muttering to himself as he started toward the house.

"For someone so thin, she's so heavy," he complained quietly, each step up the stairs a Herculean effort.

Sofía, already at the front door, turned back to watch Diego's progress, a mix of amusement and sympathy on her face. "Need help?" she asked, not moving from her spot.

"No," Diego huffed, "I got this."

He finally reached the top of the stairs, panting slightly, and carefully shifted Santana's weight to get a better grip. Maribel opened the door wider, watching as Diego navigated through the entrance with his precious cargo.

"Good job, Diego," Hector said, patting his son on the back once they were inside.

Diego nodded, relieved to finally set Santana down on the couch. She mumbled something unintelligible and shifted slightly, still deep in sleep.

"Now, let's get her to bed," Maribel said softly.

Together, they carefully lifted Santana again, this time more coordinated, and carried her to her room. They laid her gently on the bed, and Maribel pulled the covers over her. Santana sighed contentedly, snuggling into the pillow.

Diego straightened up, stretching his back with a groan. "Seriously, how is she so heavy?"

Hector chuckled, ruffling Diego's hair. "You did good, kid. Now get some rest."

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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