If We Get Married

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Sarah stood up, her voice carrying authority. "So, Santana and Brittany, you can go to her room while everyone else goes to the living room."

Santana frowned, looking at her parents quizzically, but nodded politely. "Thanks for the food, it was great."

As everyone slowly left the dining room, Diego lingered for a moment. He turned his body, catching Santana's eyes, and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as he walked backwards. Santana glared at him, rolling her eyes at his antics, but her trance was broken when Brittany mumbled, "We should probably go to my room now."

Santana nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Lead the way."

Brittany flushed at Santana's casual use of the phrase but quickly became bolder. She intertwined her fingers with Santana's before leading them upstairs. Now it was Santana's turn to blush as Brittany gently pushed her through the open door.

Santana jokingly mumbled, "Isn't that familiar?"

Brittany's eyes widened, and she burst into laughter. "I didn't mean that," Santana quickly clarified.

Brittany grinned knowingly. "Sure," she said, playfully teasing as she closed the door behind them.

Santana sat on Brittany's bed, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. "So, what happens now?" she asked.

Brittany sat next to her, her heart racing with anticipation. "I don't know. I've never gotten this far before."

Santana shrugged, trying to hide her nerves. "How many people did you have, like, audition to be your future person?"

Brittany laughed softly. "Only one."

Santana smirked, brushing their shoulders together. "That's one more than what I have."

Brittany playfully rolled her eyes before saying, "My dad made me read books about arranged marriage, but every time it got to this part, they talk for like five minutes before the guy shoves his tongue down the girl's throat."

Santana smirked at Brittany's comment, feeling a surge of confidence. "We could so do that," she suggested, her voice teasing.

Brittany turned a deep red but nodded nonetheless. Before she could say anything, Santana leaned in, connecting their lips in a soft, tentative kiss. As their lips met, a wave of excitement and anticipation washed over them.

Brittany pulled away from the kiss with a nervous chuckle, her cheeks still flushed. Santana squeezed her hand reassuringly, a warm smile on her lips. "You're a good kisser," she said softly.

Brittany mumbled, "You too."

Santana grinned, sensing Brittany's nervousness and wanting to ease it. "When I was younger, I always thought this type of thing was fake."

Brittany looked at Santana curiously. "What thing?"

"Arranged marriages," Santana clarified. "Because who sees their child and goes, 'I'm going to force them into a marriage they are more than likely not going to enjoy.'"

Brittany sighed. "My dad would."

Santana frowned. "Do you like your dad?"

Brittany shrugged. "I mean, he's my dad. He made me, so it's kind of hard to hate the person that's raised you your whole life."

Santana hummed thoughtfully. "Did you hear the rules about the arranged marriage if my parents find someone they want me to marry?"

Santana shook her head.

Brittany continued, "As soon as my parents approve, I have to pack up everything here and live with someone I barely know."

Santana's frown deepened. "Are you kidding?"

Brittany shook her head. "My mom told me she already had a house for me practically my whole life."

Santana shuffled closer to Brittany and offered her hand again. Brittany took it, finding immediate comfort in the gesture. Santana then playfully warned, "Well, if they approve of me marrying you, you will have to deal with all my friends and all my instruments and music."

Brittany smiled, feeling lighter. "Are you like the Frank Sinatra of today or something?"

Santana wrinkled her nose. "Nah, definitely not. But people always say I sound good when singing Amy Winehouse."

Brittany frowned slightly. "Who?"

Santana stared at Brittany in disbelief. "If we do get married, I am forcing you to listen to all of Amy's discography."

Brittany laughed, the tension in her shoulders finally easing. "Okay, deal. But only if you dance with me to all the songs I love."

Santana's eyes sparkled with excitement. "It's a deal."

As they sat together, their fingers intertwined, both felt a sense of hope and possibility. Despite the circumstances, they found a connection that made the future seem a little less scary.

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