The Way Things Go

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Diego rushed into Sofía's room, his footsteps heavy with urgency. "How is this?" he asked, striking a pose with his cheeks sucked in.

Sofía turned around and burst into laughter. "You look ridiculous," she said between giggles.

Diego frowned, a hint of insecurity in his eyes. "I feel like I'm doing too much."

Sofía nodded, still smiling. "You definitely are."

Diego glanced at his suit, tugging on the sleeves in frustration. "How?"

Sofía rolled her eyes. "Firstly, you have a three-piece suit on. Secondly, your hair is gelled way too much."

Diego ran a hand over his slicked-back hair. "I thought it looked cool."

She shook her head. "Also, take a shower because you stink of that piss-smelling cologne."

Diego gasped, a look of mock offense on his face, and mumbled, "Bitch," as he sulked out of her room.

As he made his way to his room, he bumped into their father, Hector, who cringed. "I thought I told you to get rid of that cologne."

Diego huffed. "It's all I had."

Hector grinned and patted his son on the shoulder. "You can borrow mine, it's fine."

Diego nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Thanks, Dad."

Hector smiled warmly. "No problem. And relax, Diego."

With a sigh of relief, Diego headed to his room to change, hoping to strike the right balance between looking good and feeling comfortable for the family meeting.

Soon Diego was in the shower, belting out One Direction songs at the top of his lungs when his father's voice cut through the music. "Diego, we have to go soon!"

Diego's eyes widened in panic, and he practically jumped out of the shower, grabbing his deodorant and smothering it all over his body. He quickly parted his hair and rushed out of the bathroom, stumbling to his closet. He yanked out a white shirt, black pants, a tie, and a blazer.

With frantic energy, he slipped on his boxers and dress socks before blindly throwing on his clothes. Five minutes later, he was hopping out of his room, struggling to put on his last shoe when Hector handed him cologne and a towel.

"Put that on now and dry your hair in the car. Don't forget a hairbrush," Hector instructed, his voice a mix of urgency and amusement.

Diego nodded, quickly spritzing the cologne on himself. He dashed to his mother's room, grabbed her hairbrush, and then sprinted to the car. He slid into the backseat beside his siblings, his hair still damp and wild.

Sofía and Santana exchanged amused glances as Diego settled in, trying to tame his hair with the borrowed brush. Santana raised an eyebrow. "Rough morning?"

Diego groaned dramatically. "Literally shut up."


Brittany sat at her vanity, carefully applying her makeup when her mom, Sarah, walked into the room. Sarah gently rubbed Brittany's shoulders and caught her gaze in the mirror. "Are you ready?" she asked, a soft smile on her lips.

Brittany sighed. "I feel weird."

Sarah frowned and leaned closer. "Why?"

Brittany put down the makeup brush and let her mom take over, feeling a sense of relief as Sarah began to gently apply the makeup herself. "I mean, I just turned 19 a month ago, and Dad is already trying to get me married."

Sarah rubbed Brittany's arm soothingly. "I know it's bad. I mean, how do you think I met your father?"

Brittany shook her head, a hint of frustration in her voice. "You're not helping."

Sarah sighed. "I know. Nothing about this situation is great. When I went through it, I really didn't want to move in with Michael a day after my parents approved of him. But it's just the way things go."

Brittany rolled her eyes. "Why does it only happen to girls?"

Sarah pursed her lips, her expression thoughtful. "It's just based on stereotypes, honey. But at least you sort of have an opinion on who you marry."

Brittany looked at her mom, confused. "What do you mean?"

Sarah continued to brush on the makeup, her touch gentle. "After dinner with every suitor, you have to spend at least two hours with them by yourself to see how you feel around them. Then I take those feelings into consideration to try and persuade your father to go with the option you want."

Brittany looked thoughtful, her mind racing with a thousand questions and concerns, when she suddenly froze. Sarah noticed and frowned. "What's wrong?"

Brittany's voice trembled slightly as she spoke. "I have to move in with a stranger."

Sarah looked down at her lap before meeting her daughter's eyes and slowly nodding. "Me and your father have a house already for you and whoever you marry."

Brittany's face twisted with frustration. "This is so unfair. I mean, what if I don't even like the person? Will I just be a warm body to them like you are to Dad?"

Sarah looked offended. "What?"

Brittany rolled her eyes. "I know you don't love him. Can't you be any more obvious?"

Sarah sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly. "Even if I don't love your father, that doesn't mean he's a bad man."

Brittany's glare intensified. "But he is. I have no social life because of him, I only listen to old music I hate, and I have to get his permission just to watch a movie. And guess what? His answer is always no."

Sarah looked away, her face tight with a mixture of sadness and frustration. She stood up and walked to the door. Before she left, she said, "Make sure you're ready soon."

As Sarah exited the room, she bumped into Damien, who was leaning against the wall outside. She glared at him. "It's rude to eavesdrop."

Damien straightened up, looking a bit sheepish. "I wasn't eavesdropping. I was just... waiting."

Sarah gave him a pointed look before walking away, leaving Damien to enter Brittany's room. He saw the distress on his sister's face and walked over to her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Hey," he said softly. "Are you okay?"

Brittany shook her head, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "No, Damien. I'm not okay. This is all so messed up."

Damien sighed, pulling her into a gentle hug. "I know. But we'll get through this together, okay? You're not alone."

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