• 𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 •

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Im absolutly shitting myself. We had change of plans and were going London Dungeon first.

- On second thought ill stay here with fermin, yamal and cubarsi! - I twirled around and was about to stand by them until two warm hands firmed onto my waist and pulled me back.

- Nuh uh. Your staying right here. - The handsome boy spoke. I gave in and walked into the building. The music gave the chills already.

Yamal and Cubarsi took a taxi here since the boring old people were doing training. God who does that in London. Its a free country!?

We paid eachothers tickets and entered the darkness of the doors.

- Oh fuck me. - I mumbled and held the closest hand possible and i heard a comorting voice.

- Shh im right here dont worry. - Pablo held my hand back and didnt let go the whole thing.

- WHAT THE FUCK. - Pedri screeched when he got jumpscared by a guy in a plague mask. That got us all laughing.

- Florence what are you doing here? - Ferran pointed at a rat on the floor. A fucking rat.

- Ferran your lucky im scared to let go of Pablo's hand otherwise it wouldn't be the clown killing you it would a mcline. - I laughed before screaming at a clown.

Exactly an hour later the stupid thing ended. I kid you not, i didnt let go of his hand once. I would never.

Pablo lent over to my ear and whisperd, - You can let go of my hand now love. - He smirked as i quickly let go of embarassment.

- So that was boring. Where now? - Lamine asked like a curious dog.

- The London Eye! - Pedri directed the right and started marching followed by Ferran and Balde.

- God what a bunch of losers. - I judged when they marched off.

- For real. - Cubarsi responded. Hes probably my favourite. Funny, not embarassing and most of all the sensible one.

Or so i thought. The next minute he ran off and joined on with their parade.

- Hey! - Pablo ran catching up to me.

- Whats up? Aren't you a footballer you shouldn't be out of breath. - I teased as he slipped his arm over my shoulder pulling me close.

- Oii dont be horible, i let you hold my hand. - He laughed. I rolled my eyes playfully before saying:

- Mm but my feet hurt. - I winked and he stopped and leaned down indacting for me to get on his back.

At that moment, we got a bunch of Awws from the losers. And lets say they took pictures. Like alot.

- Awww i ship! - Cubarsi sung.

- Hey pipe down your my fav. - I warned and he zipped his mouth shut.

Im suprised he carried me all the way there, i kinda feel bad but hey! Its not my feet hurting at the end of the day.

- Ok so whose going with who. Also ferran is not a option hes staying with me. - Pedri said, Ferran next to him.

- Me and Lamine! - Cubarsi shouted breaking our eardrums.

- Yeah we heard you. Ill take fermin. - Balde winked and Pablo returned Balde a confused look.

- So its us! - I turn to him and smile which he so sweetly returns. His smile is so sweet and gorgous.

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