Chapter 1

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The train went over a bump, jostling Margot awake. Margot crossed her legs and pulled her headphones on, pressing play on her CD player. She breathed in a deep breath as The Smashing Pumpkins started to play lightly in her ears. She could use a nap, getting herself to the train from her manor was always a bit of a journey. The cabin was buzzing with excitement around her. Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, Theodore Nott, and Blaise Zabini sat around Margot. Her friends, the people she has shared so many memories with over the past 6 years at Hogwarts.

"Oy! Crabbe get off of me!" Blaise said harshly, shoving the sleeping Crabbe off of him.

Margot laughed lightly at Crabbe as he fumbled on where to rest his head. The Scottish Highlands breezed past her window and she caught Draco's eye. She smiled at him, his usual gruff exterior fading slightly at her smile. He sat across from her, a cigarette tucked behind his ear, his gaze now downcast as he read a classical Greek play, his fingers edging the next page in his book. She watched him consider the ancient words on the page, his brow furrowing and relaxing as he made sense of the words. He looked carved from marble himself, his jawline sharp as a knife, his hair grown long and falling into his face lightly, the veins in his hands dancing slightly as he adjusted his grip on his book.

The train jolted one more, waking Crabbe and making him fall into Blaise's lap. Pansy laughed and Blaise stood up abruptly, smoothing the front of his suit and saying he'd meet everyone on the platform. Margot looked outside and saw the familiar comforts of Hogsmeade Station, the last step before getting back to Hogwarts. Her friends began to collect their things and Margot felt her heart hammer in her chest with excitement.

"Welcome home," Draco said softly to her as they stood, the screams and laughter of the other students drowning out his words. Before getting into the carriage, she reached to pet the thestrals who grunted in happiness at her touch. Margot loved these big beasts and even had a tattoo of one on her thigh. It had been an impulse one evening after a night in the muggle world with Pansy. She had gladly lifted her skirt for the tattoo artist, the pain of the needle dragging over her skin almost felt good. Pansy said she was insane for wanting to get a muggle tattoo.

"It can't even move!" Pansy had exclaimed, looking at the tattoo once it was done. Pansy had gotten a tattoo shortly after, a snake writhing on her wrist, darting its tongue out. It sort of freaked Margot out to look at, the black ink dancing under her skin. Margot saw her friend's tattoo now as Pansy turned and looked back at Margot as they walked into the castle, her heart swelled once more with excitement. Even after so many years of attending Hogwarts, she never got used to the excitement of a new term.

All summer she dreamed of walking the halls of Hogwarts. The Riddle Manor was exceptionally lonely and she longed for the company of her classmates. She and Pansy spent long summer days at Pansy's childhood home, lounging in the grass and eating big raspberries right off the bush or jumping into the lake in her backyard. Pansy's friendship was something she had always wished for as a little girl. A person with whom she could share her deepest secrets, to hold her while she cried about difficult coursework. She felt Pansy's warm hand slip into hers now as she sat in the Great Hall.

Her classmates filed in around her as if no time had passed at all. Continued laughter and shoving held the boy's attention as Pansy turned to Margot.

"Our 6th year..." Pansy said, pushing a lock of her signature bob haircut behind her ear. "I can't believe those two awkward Slytherin girls have grown into slightly less awkward 17-year-olds."

Margot squeezed her friend's hand, "I'm so proud of those girls... but less proud of their Fawn Court Tales obsession.." Margot and Pansy laughed at the mention of the book which they were obsessed with in their youth, a series that Margot had been so eager to read once she knew of it. Stories of dashing young warrior wizards and the maidens they fell for.

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