Chapter 3

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"Where are we going?" Margot asked as she climbed into the carriage.

Narcissa and Percivius gently explained to Margot the situation regarding the Dark Lord. He couldn't visit her, he couldn't care for her, but he could provide her with safety, stability, and some comforts. Margot's head was spinning, she couldn't imagine a world where she had a parent, where she was a witch - and potentially a powerful witch. Margot clutched her dress with sweaty hands as they pulled in front of The Leaky Cauldron in London.

"We'll get you a room here." Narcissa said, "But first, we'll have to do some shopping for school."

"That's where I leave," Percivius laughed, "Narcissa is here to help with the shopping bit."

Margot nodded "Okay ma'am. Thank you, sir."

Narcissa nodded sharply, "I have a son your age, he's going to Hogwarts too, so I have a bit of practice getting these materials," Narcissas' face softened.

Margot smiled at Narcissa. She had a stern, no-nonsense energy around her, and yet Margot felt cared for by her presence.

Narcissa and Margot got her school things, stopping for some new clothes at a tailor in Knockturn Alley. Margot loved the beautiful silk black dresses Narcissa pointed out and wanted to wear all of the lace and ribbons she could.

"All of this for me?" Margot was shocked that she was being treated to such finery.

"You will be royalty one day my child." Narcissa said, "You need to look the part as well as feel the part."

"Yes ma'am." Margot tucked her hands into the frayed ends of her sweatshirt.

Margot stood and let them pin the satin dresses to her, she felt like a princess being so fussed about. When Narcissa walked Margot to her room at the Leaky Cauldron she opened a small wooden box and handed it to Margot. Inside was a small gold ring, a red gem set in the center, and smaller diamonds around it.

"A gift from your father" Narcissa explained "It's been in your family since the early 19th century. He wanted you to have it before you went to Hogwarts... to know where you come from." Margot had never seen something as fine and beautiful as the ring. She couldn't believe it was real as Narcissa placed it on her finger.

"Ma'am.. Am I in a dream?" Margot asked, tears pricking at her eyes.

Narcissa took Margot's chin in her hand, "Your life is very much real my pet, what you do with it... is your choice. The decisions you make, the influence you may feel you have one day, use it wisely." These words barely meant anything to a girl just shy of 11 who had, a day before, fought a girl for an extra slice of white bread.


At the end of Draco's bed, Margot sat with her knees tucked under her chin. The intensity she had been feeling lately when she tried to use her magic was becoming too much to keep to herself. Draco listened to her closely as she described the feeling of her magic almost not belonging to her, how it felt heavy and exhausting. Margot described her Summer spent manipulating the weather around Riddle House, even bringing the temperature low enough to have snowfall in July. She remembered how she healed dying field mice that the stray cats left around. She began realizing the true depth of her power as the Summer wore on. Draco's eyebrows knit together in worry as he listened to her. Part of Draco, the calculating and self-conscious part of Draco, wanted to shake her and show her how strong she was to show her what dark magic she could be capable of. But another part of Draco, a newer part of Draco, wanted to weep for her.

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