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Running in my mind,

She keeps running through my mind,
A whisper in the wind, so kind,
Her laughter like a gentle breeze,
That sets my restless heart at ease.

In the quiet moments, she appears,
A vision bright, dispelling fears,
Her smile, a beacon in the night,
Guides me through the darkest flight.

Her voice, a melody so sweet,
Echoes in my heart's own beat,
With every thought, she comes to stay,
A memory that won’t decay.

Her presence lingers, soft and warm,
A soothing calm amidst the storm,
Though miles apart, she’s always near,
Her essence close, forever dear.

She keeps running through my mind,
A constant, loving, tender bind,
In dreams, in thoughts, she’ll always be,
The part of me that sets me free.

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