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Me and Reece sat down at a table. He handed me the menu.

"What are we going to name our baby girls? " he asked.

"I had some suggestions from char and Mia" I said. "Really like the name jade but it would sound better as a middle name."

"What about Autumn ruby knight and Riley Jade knight?" He asked.

"I love Autumn Jade knight but I'm not a fan of Riley Jade it doesn't have a good ring to it" I responded.

"Well how about Adele ruby knight?" He said.

"We are not naming our child after a singer." I said.

"Pleaaaaasseeee." He begged.

"I mean Adele is a lovely name so sure. " I agreed. "Baby Autumn Jade knight and baby Adele ruby knight"

We ordered our food and I called autumn.

Marjorie: hey autumn how's the babies.

Autumn: they are good. Why are you calling me?

Marjorie: we came up with our baby names and I thought you would like to hear them

Autumn: go on then

Marjorie: we have Autumn jade knight and Adele ruby knight

Autumn: they are lovely names I can't wait to meet them but I have to go winters getting hungry

She hung up and our food arrived. It didn't take long to eat. Reece paid for the food and we left. We climbed into the car and he started driving.

"When's your due date? " he asked.

"The day after our wedding" I responded.

"SO IN A WEEK?" he said " I can't believe it would be that soon. "

We pulled up to the house. We walked in and I made him a cup of coffee. He smiled and drank it hastily. I sat down next to him and he cuddled me. I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and got dressed. We drove to work and he dropped me off. I walked into the office. Charlotte was covering for autumn.

"Morning my love" I said.

"Morning Marjorie. Autumn told me all about the baby names" she said. "Although looking at the size of your stomach you must be having triplets"

"No just twins" I responded.

"I'll cover you but you might want to get it checked out" she said. I left the nursery and called Reece to pick me up.
He arrived and we rushed to the hospital. The doctors brought me inside and told me the results...

Your welcome for the long chapter and the cliffhanger. 😊

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