Chapter 4

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I finally took my lazy ass back home, especially since Macy kicked me out for teasing her about her kiddies show. When I got back to my apartment, I decided to be very generous and stop by my neighbors house to help her out with her dog.
Ms. Fitz was my elderly neighbor and relationship shrink, I normally help her out with her dog because she can't really do much due to her 'elderlyness'.
"Hey Ms. F" I called as soon as I opened the door.
"Hello dear, I was wondering if you weren't coming," she said from another part of the house.
"Ah Ms. F, what else do I have to do, I don't have a life." I said plopping down onto her black leather love seat.
She laughed, "Then why don't you find a nice young man your age?" She asked emerging from the kitchen, staring at me intently.
"Ms. F where's coco?" I asked trying to avoid the question.
She laughed at me again, pointing a frail finger toward the backyard. I got up and went quietly.
"Coco" I whispered, to Ms. F's Great Dane. I took two steps onto the grass and was attacked with licking and dog drool from Ms. F's baby.
Coco eventually got off me wagging her tail.
"Hey girl ready to go to the park?" I asked. She barked in response.
"Okay, let me get your leash."
I dusted myself off and waked toward her sleeping bed where lied her leash beside it.

You know how on the television you see people 'walking their dogs' well, Coco was walking me. As we got to the park Coco went all Hulk when she saw the other dogs, I tried to drag her back but, when you're 5'2 weigh 103 lbs and have at most 0% muscle mass, you realize that you can't.
Coco dragged me head first into someone's solid chest.
"Ah..." I moaned, rubbing my head. "I am so sorry." I mumbled getting up. The 'victim' on the other hand just chuckled, CHUCKLED!!
"We meet again" he stated.
What the hell I thought.
I stood up with his help, and realized that it was the same guy from the mall.
"Holy crap you're the blind guy!" I instantly covered my mouth with my hand, "I didn't mea-" I started,
"It's okay." He interrupted, "I'm used to it." He shrugged. He had on his dark glasses so I couldn't really see his eyes which was unnerving. He didn't have his cane, but he had his dog and his contagious smile.
"Nice dog" I said lamely trying to strike up a conversation. Coco who was by my side lied down on her stomach and covered her eyes with her paws. Guess I'm not the only one who thought that was lame.
"He's a golden retriever" he said tilting his head to the side, "and by the way that was smooth transition of topic." I laughed uneasily, Coco whined. Damn dog.
"Do you want to, umm... Sit down" I asked.
"Sure." We found a bench big enough to hold us and all our stuff.
Coco ran off to make mischief somewhere else while John Doe's dog just sat beside him.
"I didn't quite get your name" I stated.
"It's Lucas" he answered looking straight ahead.
"Nice name"
"Not as nice as yours," he turned toward me, "Zellissa."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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