The Blind Date

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Chapter 2

I woke up the next day at 11 o'clock a.m. happy and extremely excited about my blind date. I set my phone to remind me about my blind date with Charles at 6 p.m. I ran down the stairs, which lead from my bedroom, to the living room, almost falling face forward during my sprint. I walked through the living room and walked into my modern kitchenette. I rummaged through my stainless steel refrigerator searching for something to eat. Finally I found some stale Cheerio's and some cow's milk.

"Desperate times cause foe desperate measures; at least I'm being treated to diner this evening." I stated to myself shrugging my shoulders.

As I put my contents onto my counter I saw that I had no bowl or a spoon. I frowned at my sink. I realized that I have not washed-up anything that I've eaten in a week, so that left my sink with tall tower of silverware, bowls, pots, pans and plates. Later that morning I found myself watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and eating my cereal with a Dixie paper plate as the bowl and my hand as the spoon. When I was finished eating my breakfast fit for a king I got up from my couch and threw away my plate into the trash can and went back to my show completely forgetting about my blind date with Charles. I closed my eyes and fell asleep soundly wrapped up in my blanket.

Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep. I woke up to beeping blaring into my ears. I sat up in the couch registering what it was that was making the sound. I took a quick glance at my phone and saw that the time read 8:45 p.m. NO! I'm going to be late for my date! I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom quickly throwing on the beautiful casual strapless dress and the silver wedges my best friend Macy and I bought yesterday applied a light amount of make-up and did my long brown hair in curls. Once dressed I ran downstairs, picked up my car keys, ran outside and hopped into my blue 1999 Rover, unfortunately I forgot that my car needed to be serviced.

"Well car you're going to have to suck up your moodiness today because I am not going to be late" I told the car. It made a clanking sound and then I knew it was not good. I smacked my hand against the car wheel repeatedly then I came out of the car and slammed the car door hard and checked my phone 9:00 p.m. Please be wrong! I closed my eyes and then counted to three then took a peek at my phone through one eye

Ughh 9:01 p.m. I thought. I walked away from my car and started to run down my driveway and up my street. You are soooo going to be late Zellissa!

I stopped at a nearby tree to try and catch my breath, a bunch of old hags gave me the crazy stares I just smiled and waved. I checked my previous texts with my brother to check the address of the restaurant. 27 Planters Rd. That sounds oddly familiar,I texted him to tell his friend that I'll be coming late. After I caught my breath I broke out into a jogas I passed a nearby park I saw a bunch of kids on their skate boards, bicycles and scooters. I walked over to a little girl who was leaning her bicycle against a tree.

"Hey, kid, psst" I knew I probably looked like a homeless person who stole clothes form JC Penny and I probably sounded like some paedophile trying to get a little kid to go into the back of her van but I didn't care I and one thing on my mind

The little girl turned around and walked over to me.

"Can I help you?" she asked looking scornfully at my attire.

"Yes you can I need to borrow your bike pretty please" I begged the girl dropping to my knees.


"I'll give you five bucks"

"Give me ten bucks and I'll throw in the helmet"

I narrowed my eyes at her and pursed my lips "Done."

I gave her the money and in return I got the pink bike with a pink glittery helmet Sooooo not my style I thought. I took off my wedges which were killing my feet, since I've been running in them, and tied them to the handles of the bike I pedalled my way into the parking area of the restaurantat at about 9:30 p.m. Good timing, parked the bike and ran inside the restaurant not having any time to look at the name of the building.

I walked inside to find it fully occupied by children and then that's when I saw the sign huge in bold Wacky Willow's, this wasn't a restaurant this is the playin' while your eatin' kind of place I looked around to find someone waving at me beckoning me to come over so I did and was shocked at what I saw. My vision of Charles was actually someone good looking, not what is in front of me today. He has red hair, freckles, brown eyes ( I know what you're probably thinking cute right, NO), pimples, he was fat and smelled like fries, not only that he brought his grandmother who looked a lot like leather face. I sat down at their cubicle .

"Hi Zellissa it's nice to meet you I'm Charles" he said while extending is hand. I stared at his hand I was afraid to touch it, I didn't want to get a disease or something, he realized that I was not going to shake his hand and so he lowered it.

"It's uhh... nice to meet you too Charles" I said reluctantly. He flashed a yellow smile. I winced.

"This is my mother," he stated gesturing to leather face beside him, "Mom, this Zellissa"

"Who" the old hag asked.

"Zellissa, mom, you know the pretty girl I've been telling you about" he said to her. I began to take a sip of the bottle water that was placed on the table.

"Oh that one, you mean the Zellissa who was supposed to marry you from high school." At that I spat out everything that I had drunk. They didn't even notice.

"No mom that was Mellissa Dinkleheimer"

"Hmmm they are all the same to me"Okay so leather face doesn't like the girls. Finally index cards came in replacement for the menus. We all ordered when the food came leather face took out a bib that spelt Mama's big boy on it and she put it around his neck. That was it for me. This date is officially over.

"Excuse me I have to go to the ladies room" I lied

"Okay be on with it then" she looked at me scornfully.

I ran quickly into the girl's bathroom and quickly got out my phone and started to call Macy.

The other line picked up, "Hey Zel how's your date going" she asked


"Well that's Zayne for yah"

"I need you to come pick me up at Wacky Willow's like right now!"

"Hold on Wacky Willow's," she started laughing "Are you kidding me how old is your date like five"

"No more like forty five" more laughter

"Okay Zel I'll come and pick you up meet me out front"

"I can't leather face will see me and I'm pretty sure she is not very fond of me"

"Then crawl through a window or something"

"Who do you think I am, I can't just crawl through a window" I whispered angrily at her.

"Well you have to think of something, bye" then the line was dead.

I had to think of something. Either I walk out through the front door of the building and get caught by leather head or crawl through a window. Window it is.

My body was half way through the window when someone cleared their throat I knew who it was instantly...Leather head.

"What are you doing up there" she asked, I wiggled from out of the window and stood up in front of her.

"Look I can't continue this 'date' with your son"

"It's okay you can leave" She said happy about the fact that I won't be dating her son

I proceeded to go back through the window.

"Not through the window'

"Right sorry" I walked past her and left the building quickly, and was I glad to see Macy's yellow Fiat. I ran up to car and got into the vehicle. She opened her mouth to say something to me.

"Don't talk just drive" I told her, and we did we left the premises with her laughing at me and me scowling all the way home, regretting telling her about my 'blind date'.

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