1- Richard Grayson

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Amusement mile was a typical place for a good ol' Joker scheme. But, well, they were good schemes for a reason. It was a place simply too great to pass up, for the joke and violent factor alike. If there was one other person who knew that more than the clown himself, it was The Batman. So Joker, intelligence and brilliance in villainy and craft, couldn't figure out just why, on Gotham's murky soil, Batsy would send his ten year old sidekick child to the mile in his wake. 

The gag had been great, too! A violent rollercoaster ride with turns and surprises left to scar even the most stoic of men. Joker had the mind to very well still send the kid through his manmade epitome of hell, if it had been worth it. But, well, it had been so perfectly crafted with a certain Bat in mind. There's no point wasting his comedic genius on a child when the jokes would just fly over his tiny little head.

So back to the matter at hand, Joker wasn't entirely sure what to do, here. His gag had been soiled, less the child being great at his job and more so there being no point to utilising the scheme, but Joker still had to leave a mark. Something that would make his lovely Bat recoil at the thought of ever sending his children again. This was meant to be a lone game, after all! What better way to leave said mark, than to batter the very thing that ruined his fun into nothing but black and blue?

"A birdie wasn't exactly what I was expecting tonight, but a clown can still have some fun!" He announced aloud, and wasn't it laughable seeing those tiny eyes narrow behind white lenses? As if this child held any prevalence here, above the literal clown prince of crime! Oh, how it would be so-very laughable, if it didn't piss him off so damn much. Still, he supposed it was charitable, the bravery. Most children cowered seeing him through a tv screen, trembling visible when held hostage or at gunpoint. Though he supposed that was less the child's durability and more-so the power of 'Bat training'.

"Surrender, Joker!" 

Yaaawn! Wasn't nearly as exciting to hear when the voice accompanying the words is so high pitched and scrawly. Maybe in a decade or so, when his balls drop and puberty takes him on a stroll will it maybe, possibly, compare to the baritone of his darling Batsy. "Now why would I do that, when I have the perfect message to send to my Bat?" He responded rhetorically, yet still received a reply.

"What message?" The Robin asks, the intimidation he is trying to radiate comparing to one of a chipmunk. Laughable once again, if his insistence wasn't such a nuisance. Usually him and his Bat would have skipped the foreplay by now, dancing their beautiful dance of bloody noses and bruises to stare at in the mirror when reminiscing. Joker supposed he couldn't expect the same from a child, but still, wasn't the Robin supposed to be like a carbon Bat-copy? If so, he wasn't doing a good job. A thorough two out of ten, the two extra points only due to the silent laugh Joker was getting. Though maybe two extra points was a bit generous?

Before he could even finish that train of thought, or come up with some witty response, he watched as the kid suddenly doubled over. Holding his abdomen, the kid cried out in some kind of invisible pain that Joker couldn't see. 

Well, that was just amazing! First the kid comes and crashes his party made for a clown-bat fight, and then before Joker can even punish the kid, he doubles over like he's just been stabbed in the stomach! "Birdie?" Wasn't necessarily a question, but it wasn't like he was going to flat out ask the kid what was wrong. No way, he wasn't the kid's mother. Still, he was curious, unable to do much than watch the kid keel over.

After a lack of response, Joker was fully prepared to march over and inspect the child, in search of some answers, until a sweet kind of smell hit his nose. Well...shit.

Well, this changes everything. First off, just his luck, right? Of course the child that is now technically in his care keels over because he's just gotten his secondary biology. Second, the kid was a damn omega. Despite Joker reeaally not wanting to be responsible for this, he couldn't exactly leave the Robin out here. Not when there seemed to be no Bat-Dad about, and Joker knew first hand how omega's were treated within Gotham. Especially in heat. There are some really creepy Alpha's out there, who wouldn't think twice about their next fuck being a ten year-old. Don't get him wrong, Joker was a sick fuck too. But, well, not that  fucked. Not fucked enough to leave a child defenceless against those kind of horrors of the world. 

"Uhh, shit, okay kid, uh..." Joker wasn't going to panic over this, except, well he was. Because what the hell was he supposed to do here? It wasn't like he had any experience with children, nor was it like he could remember his own first heat. The clown grew closer, unknowing of what to do beside rest a gentle hand against the kid's back. The touch was foreign for the both of them, the Robin looking up in surprise at the comfort. Joker bit his lip at the tear streaks coating the kid's face.

"Let's...get you inside" Joker proposed, because despite the probable repercussions, that sounded like the best idea he has had. 

Joker could only resign himself for a loooong night, once the kid passed out at his feet.

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