3- Richard Grayson

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Clowns, or at least clown prince's, didn't do all the 'emotions' stuff. So it must have been his secondary biology talking, this incessant need to care for the kid. It was both annoying and overbearing, as he washed up the cold flannel for the kid's fever for what felt like the fiftieth time.

With the child asleep once again, he was able to let his mind wander. Even if Dicky-Boy didn't tell Bats about leaving, surely he'd be out looking by now? It had been at least twenty-four hours, and certainly enough time to raise some red flags. Joker supposed, even if Bats was looking, the amusement mile hideout belonging to the clown prince of crime was most likely one of his last likely places to look. Both of them had not much choice other than sitting it out and waiting. Still, he had a few choice words ready for the Bat when he eventually found them.

A soft whine echoed from the bedroom, and Joker grumbled at the need to protect that the sound forced out of him. Being an omega was more than inconvenient. Making his way back to the bedroom, Dick had kicked all of the covers off of him in what must have been a rather painful fit. He was shivering almost violently, and the clown rushed over to aid. 

Placing a hand against the kid's skin, it was almost soggy with sweat, his scent overwhelming once again. The suppressants must have wore off quicker due to the heat. Joker turned the kid gently, about to tuck him back into bed when he noticed the slick practically dripping from the child's legs. Usually, he'd find that gross... but all that could consume his mind was the need to help. Aid him. Take care of him.

It was, for lack of a better term, truly the most disgusting feeling that Joker has ever experienced.

"Hey, kid..." He attempted to wake him, if only to get his consent for a bath, before he stopped himself. When did he ever  ask for consent? He just...did things! God, what was he turning into? Either way, Dick wasn't waking up. With no other choice than to let the kid rest, he made his way over to the bathroom to run that bath. 

It was odd, this need to care for someone. Heck, even in Harley's heats he'd just leave and let her get on with it, get the occasional goods if she asked. He sure as heck wasn't the kid's mother. Though his biology was sure acting like it. 

With the water running and towels left out, Joker went back to retrieve the kid. Dick was scooped up and sitting in the bath a while later. Through it all, the kid had hardly stirred. His fever must have been making him delirious, Joker would get more medicine for that once the kid was awake. 

He'd left the kid's mask on. He didn't particularly care for the child's identity either way, but he could tell by the outburst earlier the kid obviously held his anonymity in deep regard. Another stupid gesture that Joker somehow cared about the kid and his wellbeing. Which was utterly stupid, considering not even a day ago he was about to beat the kid black and blue.

Still, a new routine was usually cause for change. Certainly not this type of change, but his omega side certainly seemed to think so. It was impulsive, he couldn't necessarily control it, and felt sickened as he reached out to brush the kid's hair out of his eyes. Gotham and The Robin were the first to see the clown prince of crime go soft.

At Joker's gesture, the kid stirred slightly. It was hard to tell with the mask, but he was quite sure the kid was blinking his eyes awake. Joker was confirmed correct, when Dick startled at suddenly being in the bath and not the nice warm bed he originally fell asleep in.

"Shhh, Kid. Thought a bath might help with the...fever and all that" He covered up, attempting to console him. Though the bath would certainly help with the fever as well, he didn't really have the heart to tell the kid he'd gotten his sex juices all in the bed. Speaking of which, Joker was definitely going to need to change those sheets. Or possibly just steal a new mattress altogether.

A small whine left the kid once again, and Joker was looking over him for anything external before he could think twice about it. With nothing amiss, it must just be cramps and his deliriousness causing the pain. "I'll get you some more meds. Do you need anything else?"

Bleugh! Did he really just ask that?!

"Joker..." He only muttered, which didn't exactly answer the question. It was a little worrying, the shake to his voice and the sweat running down his face despite the lukewarm temperature of the bath. With his memories from before long forgotten, and never seeing one in person, he'd never much thought about a persons first heat. Either way, it looked rough. 

"What, kid?" He asks again anyway, just in case Dick was asking for something and not just saying his name. "Don't...don't leave. Please" The soft ask leaves a weird feeling in his abdomen. Joker is startled by it, a new feeling that felt odd inside of him. It was involuntary, and definitely not a need of his own, when he takes one of the child's hands into his

A foreign feeling to reach out and comfort, but he doesn't think twice about it as he squeezes Dick's hand reassuringly. "I'll be back, kid. I promise. I only want to help"

Despite his intentions being good, and Joker's body certainly not willing to leave the kid too long while he is in distress, he whimpers at those words anyway. "No, please"

"Kid..." Joker mumbles, unsure with what to do. Sure, the kid doesn't exactly have to have heat suppressants for it to go away in due time, but it would make the process quicker. Also less painful. Despite it being a much weirder and mushy feeling than he was used to, he truly only had the child's wellbeing at heart. "Please..." He begs once again, and Joker truly can't resist once he catches sight of the single tear running down the child's cheek.

"Fuck...okay, kid. I won't...I won't leave" He settles on, a weird warmth blossoming in his chest at the lopsided smile he gets in return. "How about I bring you with me? And once your all medicated we can bring you back in here and wash you off?" He proposes instead, calming at Dick's small nod of approval.

Now that was settled, he lifted the child out of the bath and wrapped him tightly in a towel. "Don't remember 'caring for your nemesis omega child' to be in the villainy handbook..."  Joker mumbled to himself, warming at the small giggle it gets out of the kid. He brought them both into the kitchen, attempting to be quick considering Dick must be freezing.

Luckily with the kettle still being warm, it was a fast process with making a hot chocolate, crushing up some heat suppressants into the mixture and stirring it up with a little extra sugar to cover the taste. "Here you go, kid." He says, holding the mug out and watching as he takes it with shivering hands. Joker startles at the trembling disturbing the contents of the cup, quickly taking it back to avoid the scolding hot cocoa going everywhere.

It was definitely for the white towels sake, he couldn't care if the kid got burned. Yeah, it was getting harder to convince himself of that.

Joker took the cup to the other side of the room, rummaging through his cupboards for something to help. He was back over and holding the mug near the kid's mouth, once he'd found and placed a straw inside. "Thank you..." Dick mumbles, as he begins to sip at the drink.

Once at least half of the mugs contents is emptied, he placed the cup back down. "Back in the tub?" Joker asks, and smirks as the kid nods fervently. Must be freezing.

Joker carries him back to the bathroom, and can't bring himself to twist his own emotions as Dick nuzzles closer into him. It was a comforting warmth cooling in his stomach.

Might be an inconvenience, that he was having to do this, but he was sure gonna miss the kid when he leaves.

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