4- Richard Grayson

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"I spy with my little eye..." Dick mumbles, bringing the recently changed covers closer around him as he snuggles into Joker's side. "Something...purple"

"Doesn't leave much up to the imagination, kid" Joker smirks as he wraps his arm closer around him. He'd only ever been this close before with Harley, on days he'd been vulnerable and needed some kind of connection. With Dick, it just felt natural. "The entire room is pretty much purple"

"Exactly!" Dick grins, looking up at him mischievously. "I get purple is your whole colour, but the entire room? Everything clashes!"

"Hey, it's not my fault you don't get artistic genius" He only remarks, chuckling as the kid giggles at him. 

Their soft moment is briefly interrupted by a loud beeping noise. Joker turns in the direction of the security cameras. Someone's entered the mile. Usually it'd just be some random junkie looking for a good drug spot, but with Joker's guest he supposed it may be a certain Bat creeping about. "Looks like our time together may be cut short, kid"

With that, he detaches himself from their embrace to check over the footage. Dick doesn't protest, but he catches the way the child frowns, missing the warmth. Joker misses it too, suddenly hit with the brief emotion of grief. God, he really was gonna miss this kid.

The footage only confirmed it, the dark shadow zooming past one camera could only be the Bat.

"It was fun, kid. I'll miss ya, Dicky boy" He can't help but say, walking back towards the bed to hold his hand. Dick instead practically pounces at him, bringing him into a tight hug. Joker quickly returns the embrace.

"Thank you...for...for everything" Dick mumbles as if he's heartbroken, his voice wavering as if about to cry. "Hey, don't cry kid....you'll make me cry" He chuckles, despite already on the verge of it.

"Besides, if I'm not busy, or if you need any help, you can always visit" Joker adds, smiling as Dick only pulls him in tighter. "I will" He sniffles, looking up at Joker with puppy-dog eyes behind white visors. "I promise"

"I'll go meet the Bat outside. I've got a few words for him" The clown says, detaching them away from the hug. He tucks Dick back into the bed, but startles as Dick suddenly reaches up. In a speed far too quick for a sick little boy, he gently places a kiss against Joker's cheek.

His face heats up, as Dick get's back to being comfortable. Joker only smiles. "I'll be back"

It takes only a little while for the Bat to land behind him. "Where is he, Joker?" That baritone voice speaks, and usually it would excite him. Right now, though, the clown was far too angry to have any swooning.

"You are an idiot, you know that, Bats?!" He says as he turns to face him, watching Bats scan over his plain attire. Whatever the Bat was expecting, this wasn't a fight. Not when Joker was simply in a white top and joggers, no make-up for a show. Instead, he was currently an angry babysitter who just so happened to get attached to the kid he was looking after.

"Dick is fine. He's currently in the hideout trying to get some sleep. But that's not the point!" Joker grumbles, stepping closer. Batman doesn't cower under the scrutiny, only holds his place more. The clown didn't exactly expect the man to listen to him anyway, but that wasn't going to stop him. "The point is, your son came to the mile because he thought he could handle me all by himself! Said something about you underestimating him!"

"Is this what this is about?" Bat's asks, sounding angry as if he had any right to be. "No. Although I've certainly got some choice words about that, too, no! Point is, he went into heat while he was with me. What were you thinking?! Letting your ten year old go out despite knowing he was close to showing his gender soon! He's an omega. You left your omega son out here despite knowing how Gotham treats them, treats us!"

"I didn't-" The Bat went to defend, but Joker was coming in hot with his growing anger. "You should have known! It's already bad enough that you've chosen your sidekick to be your ten year old child, but you at least need to...I don't know, supervise him!? If he hadn't needed obvious help, I would have battered the kid black and blue just to show you how stupid it is leaving him unsupervised!"

"Are you done?" The Batman asks, his tone oddly softer. It throws Joker off his game, and despite having more to say, he huffs. "Yes...Come on" Joker leads him into the hideout, and with no other choice the Bat follows. Who knew one day he'd literally be inviting his enemy into his home?

Dick hadn't yet nodded off. He perks up at the sight of Joker, holding his arms out for an embrace, but quickly falters when he sees the man behind him. The clown walks up to the bed anyway, sitting next to him. "I gave him a heat suppressant about two hours ago, it should be wearing off about now. I'll get another one for the road" He mumbles, unable to believe he'd gotten attached to the kid so quickly. Seems Dick got attached too, the way he was itching for a hug.

"Robin costume is over there, had to change him out of it." He adds as he points to the corner. "Next time, just ask if you want a free babysitter? Kid isn't all bad"

"Robin, come on. We're leaving" The Bat says as he scoops up the uniform, double checking nothing in Dick's utility belt had gone missing or stolen. Joker rolls his eyes at the motion. The least Batman could do was say thanks, at least.

"I'll get that heat suppressant" The clown says, standing and making his way into the kitchen to do just that. Though when he walks back in, they'd already left. 

Joker sighs, the odd feeling in his chest being nothing but grief. "Bye, kid..." He mumbles, climbing into bed for a chance at sleep. He finds himself attached to the lingering sent, the smell of raspberries and oak lulling him to slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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