2- Richard Grayson

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Dick noticed two things, once awoken. One, he wasn't in the manor. Two, everywhere hurt like a bitch. His stomach cramped painfully, forcing his back to arch against the bed sheets. His vision was slightly foggy, but he was lucid enough to take in his surroundings. For one, he was in a comfy bed, that much was obvious. Second, well... everything pointed to him being in Joker's care. If he wasn't in such a vulnerable position, he'd definitely point out how the purple curtains clash with the purple wallpaper.

Speaking of which, where was the clown? It was odd, not just being cared for but the fact he was being cared for by the clown prince of crime, of all people. Or maybe he was misreading the situation? Though the cold flannel on his head certainly looked like someone was attempting to calm his fever down. He shifted slightly in an attempt to soothe the pain just as a clatter from within the kitchen sounded.

Dick couldn't help but flinch at the sound, unsure of quite what to do about this situation. Maybe it had been a bad idea to go and pursue the Joker without telling Bruce about it. But Bruce had been so controlling recently, and Richard was ten! He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself, except when...he wasn't. Whatever was happening to his body was painful, scary and certainly something he didn't want to be showing in front of his adoptive father's worst enemy.

"Oh, goody! You're awake, Kid!" Joker announced suddenly, and Dick's heart practically leaped into his throat at the shock. The clown seemed to get a good laugh out of that, before placing a small mug on the counter next to the bed. Dick was wearily watching, unsure of quite what the Joker's motive was. "Made you some soup, crushed up with some medicine which should help you feel better" He explained as the child's eyes landed on the grey mug. Wait, was his...?

Richard scurried to feel his face, breathing a small sigh of relief at knowing his mask was still snugly placed against his eyes. Now that he bothered to notice, he wasn't wearing his Robin costume. Looking down, he was wearing a all-too-big white shirt and some black, baggy shorts. Considering his clammy skin, he wasn't quite sure whether to thank or be disturbed at the fact Joker had obviously changed him.

"Just drink your soup, kid. No need to get all squirmy, I'm taking care of you for a reason, ain't I?"

"Why? What's happening to me?" Dick asked, voice raspy from misuse. Just how long had he been passed out? "Congrats, kid. You're an omega. Looked like you were having a rough time out there, so...thought I'd help out, considering Bat's is obviously looking for a free babysitter." Joker answered, an odd calm replacing his usual theatrics. It was weird to watch, as Dick fully took in the clown outside of battle. An unforeseen opportunity, but one he was curious about.

Wait, did he just say he was an omega?!

The fact caught up to him, as Joker continued. "Seriously, what was your idiot father thinking?! Sending his ten year old after one of Gotham's most notorious criminals has got to be enough warrant in calling child protective services"

"Actually..." Dick spoke up, slightly nervous to be talking to the literal bogeyman who haunted Bruce all of these years. "I snuck out. Batman has no idea I came here"

Joker quietened down at that for a moment, before scoffing. He sat himself down at the edge of the bed, putting enough space between them as he motioned back to the mug. "Drink, kid. I personally don't particularly care if you feel better or not, but if you're staying with me, I ain't dealing with you all mopey and whiney. So my advice? Take the damn medicine"

Dick didn't need to be told twice. Both motivated by the need to soothe the pain and Joker's threat, he reached out for the mug. By the smell, he could tell it was a cheap brand. Supposed Joker wouldn't have the best access to grocery goods, being a famous criminal and all. Still, he was appreciative to have something in his rumbling stomach. Until a thought occurred to him.

"How do I know you haven't drugged this?"

At the question, Joker looks at him warmly. Almost mockingly, he replies. "I already told ya I did, kid." Dick rolls his eyes, knowing that the clown knew exactly what he meant. Before he had a chance to jab back, Joker spoke again. "It's only heat suppressants. If I was going to do anything bad, I wouldn't have bothered bringing you in here, now would I?"

That...was a good point. With nothing else left to do but trust him, another pain in his abdomen forced him to seek out the reprieve of the soup. The experimental sip was warm, a chicken soup which was slightly salty and added to the flavour. It was nice, and certainly not containing any poisons. Dick heard Joker chuckle as he began to guzzle it down.

"Slower, kid. I don't need you choking on me, too"

"Dick" He commended, confused as to how it made Joker's nose scrunch up in annoyance. "Well, fine. If you're going to be THAT way, go stumble back into the streets for all I care-"

"No, No!" Dick quickly clarified, unable to not laugh at the clown's misunderstanding. "That's my name. Dick"

Joker looks at him, recognition filling his eyes before he goes wide eyed. "You're name is...Dick" 

At that, he nods. "Does Batman not love you?" Joker only retorts, his genuine confusion and comment bringing another small giggle from the child. "It's a nickname. My real name is Richard. But everyone calls me Dick, so..."

He watches Joker take that into consideration, as Dick continues to explain. "And I'm adopted. Parents died, Batman felt bad for me, so...here I am. The boy wonder, laid in my mentor's worst nemesis' bed. Drinking soup and being told I'm an...omega"

"Well it was going to happen at some point, kid. Granted it was the worst timing possible, but hey. Fate works in mysterious ways" Joker hummed gently, just as the kid finished the last of the mugs contents. With that, the clown took the glass away. 

"You're being awfully...nice" Dick stated, watching the way Joker's brow twitched at his words. "Trust me, Dicky boy" Joker grinned at the nickname, finding even more amusement at Dick's obvious hatred of the name, before continuing. "I hate it just as much as you do. But...I get it" 

It was surprising, the sudden softness in the clown's eyes. Dick couldn't help but be stunned to silence at the sight of it. "Being an omega is hard in this city. Especially when your first starting out. So if there's no daddy-Bats about, and no one else to do the job, I guess I can...be there. Help you through the worst of it, and all that..."

It was more than odd. This man who Dick had only associated with violence and gore, was now sat at the end of his feet looking awfully human. Empathetic, was the only word the child could come up with, which is certainly never a word he would have used on the clown any time before. "Thank you..." Dick managed to say despite the shock, genuinely grateful despite his conflicting feelings on the matter.

"Don't sweat it, kid. Now!" With a change in tone and much more chipper, Joker stood. "Pick a movie, Dicky! Shelf is over there" The clown gestured toward a row of DVD's near the television set. "While you do that, I'll make you a cup of hot chocolate and re-wet that flannel"

"A movie...?" Dick spoke, confused slightly. "Well, although having a chit-chat is fun and all, I'm sure having something to occupy that short-attention span of yours will have you feeling a little better in no time!" Before he could respond, Joker was swiping the now warm cloth off of his forehead and making his way back into the kitchen.

With nothing else to do but remain in Joker's care, Dick had no choice but to just get comfortable. Surprisingly, he wasn't apposed. It wasn't everyday you got to see the clown prince of crime acting humane for a change.

It was easy to feel at ease, too, when the covers were walm and dumbo was playing quietly in the background. Dick was lulled back into slumber at the image of Joker gently brushing out-of-place, raven black strands of hair out of his face.

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