"Should I let them in now?" Papa asked all of us. "Yes let them in now. Are their alot of suitors out their papa?" Grace answered for me. "Yes Grace there are suitors here for blair. Dont worry darling we will be here to make you feel comfortable." He kisses my head and walks over to let the first gentleman in.
A few hours later
The suitors i had where well not the best. They where either to old, extremely rude to my family, couldn't hold a good conversation for more than two minutes or kept on bragging about how rich they are in hopes of pleasing my papa ( he was not pleased )
"I can see that are tried but just one more suitor sweetheart then your can go to your room and relax then get ready for Lady Danbury's ball." Mama tells me
"Mama I'll have one last suitor ok but maybe could I skip Lady Danburys ball? Please mama please." I do like Lady Danbury she is lovely at keep me company but I am really tried. "Blair I am so sorry I know how you feel but this is the first ball of the season darling you need to go but we can always leave early just tell us and we'll go." She hugs me and opens the door for the last suitor."Hello Miss Maliginton." I hear a familiar voice say. I look up to see how he was but to my surprise it was Anthony bridgerton "Hello my lord" I smiled up at him and he smiled back at me. He even greeted my mama papa and Grace something that every other suitor didn't do. He even brought my favourite flowers and a limited copy of pride and prejudice which is my favourite book.
He sat down on the opposite sofa. "So how did you know my favourite book and flowers?" I asked him quite shocked.
"You have told me them before. It was a long time ago but I still remembered them." I smiled at him. I was still surprised at how he remembered my favourite flowers baby breaths. "So What do you like to do for fun?" Well i like to read, play my violin or piano, spead time with my friends and family." I tell him. "What about you? What do you like to do for fun? I ask him. We spent alot of time talking until I had to prepare for lady Danbury's ball." Well I hope to see you at lady Danbury's ball my lord." I tell him. "You will see me at lady Danbury's ball but call me Anthony please."
"Only if me call me blair" I tease him. "Ok blair I'll see you like at the ball." He waved at me. "I'll see you at the ball Anthony!"
He says goodbye to my family and then looks back at me grinning.Lady Danburys always host's the first ball of the season. But it is also in recent times whereby the queen declares which young lady is the diamond of this season.
The evening
"Mama what dress do you think suits me the best?" My choices of dress had been narrowed down to the two new dresses show got at the modiste. One was a silk dark blue and a bold dress indeed she found it very beautiful. The second choice was a light purple dress covered in jewels.
"Blair I think you should wear the purple for this ball but maybe you could wear the blue one for the next ball. It matches our family jewel perfectly." Our family jewel are sapphires which suits us very well.
"Dearest how do you feel about the Viscount?" Mama was doing my hair. Usually Alison my maid would help me but mama wanted to do it herself this time. "He is a kind gentleman ."I tell her. "Blair your papa and I want you to marry for love no matter the circumstance." Mama always tells us that true love is what she wants all of her children to find experience."But he is Eloise's brother. I don't want it to ruin our friendship mama. You know how I cherish my friendships. Eloise is one of my closets friends I can't lose her."I am worried about me and Anthony's relationship mainly because of Eloise. "Darling I know how much you are Eloise love eachother. I doubt that something would permanently break your friendship." She was now adding pins to my hair. "Thank you mama for everything." I hugged her and got up to look for a necklace that matched my dress.
At Lady Danburys ball
"Are you nervous sweetheart?" Papa held me and mama's hand." Only a bit daddy but I think I'll be fine." My eyes where seaching the ballroom to find him. "Are you looking for someone Blair?" Grace asked me she was with her husband Harry " I am looking for Nora Gracie. I'll be fine you can dance with Harry I don't mind." I know how much Grace loves dancing at balls. "Only if you say so Blair" and harrys says "Good luck Blair if you need anyone just tell us" they were walking to her dance floor.
"Nora Deanington you look beautiful!" She truly did her hair was half up half down. She wore a blue dress with flowers on it she looked like a princess. "Thank you blair you look absolutely dazzling!" She hugged me and I hugged her back." Do you want to get some lemonade? And avoid some suitors." She asked hinting at a certian place in the room with four men in their fiftys pointing at us."Oh yes let's go Nora." I pull her closer to me and look behind us."Nora they are following us what should we do." I ask her walking a bit faster." Oh i see el and pen are over there with Eloise's mama." We quickly walk over to Penelope and Eloise. "You are life savers" Nora told them as she gave then both a hug i do the same.
"I see my mama wants to talk to me." I say after a couple of minutes talking to the girls." Do you want me to walk with you I love your mama she the sweetest." Nora tells me. Linking arms as we say goodbye. "Mama do you need anything?" I ask her while she was giving Nora a long hug. "I just wanted to ask if you were ok darling." I nod " I'm fine now I justed needed to find nora and the rest of my friends." I tell her. "Nora would you like to get some lemonade with me?" Mama asked her."I do be delighted to Duchess Maliginton." Nora replied. "Nonsense call me Alice." She told Nora."Do you want me to come mama?" and she said "No Blair just stay here." That's odd I thought.
"Good evening Blair how are you? I knew who it was almost immediately. It was Anthony bridgerton. "Good evening Anthony I am great. What about you?" I ask him not to sure how to start the conversation." Blair can I ask you to dance with me?" My heart started beating really fast. "Yes Anthony I'll dance with you."
We stepped onto the dance floor he held my waist and I held his hand." You look beautiful Blair." He whisk in my ear I could feel his breath just above my ear." Thank you. You look beautiful too wait no you look handsome." I feel my cheeks going red." Thank you Blair no one has ever
called my beautiful." He teased me." I am glad to be the first then." Soon the music stopped." It was lovely to have your first dance."He added as he led me off the dance floor. "Will I see you tomorrow" I was really enjoying his company. "Yes Blair I will call on you tomorrow." Anthony kissed my hand softly gave me a smile and left. A smile claimed my lips when he looked back at me"Blair how did you like your dance?" Nora sneaked up on me. "Oh my! Nora you scared me" my hand was on my chest trying to slow my breathing down.
"You didn't answer my question!" She whispered in my ear." It was fun I liked it." I whisper back as we where passing by a group of mama's gossiping. "Have you danced with anyone?" I asked her. "Yes I danced with a lord before you got here and I've been trying to avoid anymore dancing." Nora has never liked dancing she preferred singing or playing the piano.Later during the ball
I would like to present the diamond of the season Nora Deanington. I stood next to Nora and our mothers. I beamed at her as she bowed fown to the queen. When she stood up multiple men asked if she could dance with them. But what surprised me was that she was dancing with Benidict bridgerton.
Hey its mills I love this chapter so much. Anyways do you guv like it. I was supposed post this chapters yesterday but I got my braids done for my birthdayyyy. Also the updates will be like once a week because of school. So drink loads of water and be kind to yourself Love you some much mills

Historical FictionBlair Maliginton was coming out to the ton. She is the youngest in her family with her oldest brother being married to the princess will she be the diamond shining ever so brightly or a wallflower. Let's see shall we.