.....Jesus Protects Me: "Rolling stones"

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Matt was now well asleep, but he wasn't anything of the "heavy sleeper" type. Matt could hear over 8 miles away, figureablly speaking, in his sleep. As such abilities would go, this was the case.

He immediately opened his eyes and raised his head a bit.

As his hearing adjusted, and his eyes grew out of the dark contrast, he heard an indefinable noise coming from the wooden floor.

He initially went into "guard-mode", pulling the covers upward, whilst grabbing his Hulk action figure, also his favor superhero, from inert his pillow. He put out beside him and stared at his bedroom floor, hoping that no other noise would be emitted, and that the recent one was just his imagination. Not long after that thought of hopefulness, another sound was made, rolling from his bedroom door, to his dresser droor.

More and more noises rolled down the wooden floorboards, continually colliding against his wardrobe. This incident scared Matt the most, since this incident was the most confrontational than the rest.

He quickly touted himself close to his covers and froze there. He didn't really know what to do. But then he remembered Jesus...

"But could Jesus really help me at a time like this?" He thought to himself. But then, he remembered what his Dad said to him one day ager leaving church...

Matt and his parents were leaving church on a brightly-lit sunday morning. Matt's sister, Zoe, left on an exploration to Rome; she took on a job as a journalist, and was a faithful believer of God. Zoe contacted her parents every week, and never missed one phone call to talk to them. As Matt walked towards the semi-truck, he noticed his dad seemed down.

Matt entered the truck, along with his parents. As Matt was about to pull out his Nintendo DS, his father said something to him, causing him to turn towards him. "You know something Matt?...Jesus will never forsake you..." Matt have his father a puzzled look, as he was just six at the time and didn't know what the word 'forsake' meant. Nothing his puzzlement, he further explained. "...Jesus will never leave you." Matt's father finished.

"I know dad,...i know." Matt replied. His father smiled, a tear sliding down his cheek. Matt's father had at one point been an alcoholic, and was even an athiest, but over the years, he had noticed sintering was out of place in his life, and he knew it was his relationship with Christ. He had just been saved that day...over a year ago.

Matt suddenly snapped back to reality, consciously waking up to the same distracting noises from before. There were still rolling sounds skating from his bedroom door, to his bedroom wall.

Matt was no longer afraid.

He kept his strength in Christ, and lifted himself from his bed. Standing on out in a victorious measure, he courageously proclaimed, "Jesus protects me!"

He nearly screamed it.

Almost immediately, the noises stopped, and with a victorious exhale coming from his mouth, he slid under his sheets slowly, and fearlessly drifted asleep.

Unbeknownst to Matt, two entities raised behind his bedroom door that led to the outside of his room. The two mysterious figures turned out to be his parents, who had been awoken by Matt's previous "confrontations with monsters".

"That kid has one heck of a future ahead of 'em." The father said to his wife. "Got that right." His wife replied back.

With a container full of marbles on the father's hands, the couple slowly marched back to their bedroom. But just before their for closed, one last remark could be heard. "Ya know, we really should get those marbles out of Matt's room before he slips and hurts himself." With a reply, "Don't worry, we'll wait until he's fully asleep...saves the explanations."

But just outside of there two-story house, where the snow was still sticking, and the fluorescent lights were shining down on the icy streets, a silhouette could be made out from the wintery suburbs.

It was a man with reddish, long hair, and a beard, wearing a white robe with a purple sash going from his shoulder down. "God be with you,....Matt." The figure stated, turning from the family's doorway, and into the winter scenery. As He turned, there they were revealed, two holes; one in each hand.

And with that, the figure disappeared out of sight.

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