Chapter 8

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We got as close to castle as we dared and parked the car in the woods. We took shifts being watchman (or woman) nobody saw us. At the crack of dawn we set off.  I personally wanted to beat Daniel to Salem. We drove and drove. Nobody spoke; we were all lost in our own thoughts.

Finally Malcolm broke the silence, “So” he asked “When we do get to castle Banther what’s our plan?” We decided that it was a good question. We discussed thoroughly what we would do if Daniel was there and if he wasn’t. At last we could see castle Banther looming in the distance. We parked the car in the surrounding forest toward the coastal side and got out. Malcolm stayed with the car and opened up his laptop.

Naomi and I headed for the beach. We were on the rocky coast line with the waves lapping against our heels when Malcolm buzzed in “I’m picking up something on the radar it might be Daniel so be careful.” We looked around there was no helicopter plane or car. Then I looked in the water and there coming toward us was a black slender speed boat with two manned turrets on the side.

“Quick into the hedge before they see us!” Naomi whispered urgently.

“Malcolm, Daniels coming in a speed boat shut it down” I exclaimed into my ear piece. Malcolm replied “I’m working on it…there now I’m in control of the boat.” I heard the engine cut and then some shouting. After that a smaller engine started, they were on life rafts slowly coming toward us. Naomi’s plan was when they walked past her to jump out and get the guards while I went for Daniel. The hedge we were hiding behind was against a fence. If you were coming from the beach like they were they would pass Naomi first. There was a small hole in the thick hedge so I could see when Naomi popped out. We waited. Finally I saw Daniel He was the oldest and had some scruff around his chin and jaw. He carried an M-16 sub machine gun with a three round burst. Two body guards flanked him with Uzis. This would be interesting.

Daniel and his gang walked passed Naomi. I could tell by their body language they were relaxed; that would work in our favor. Naomi suddenly leaped out from behind the hedge. She threw a dart at the first guard it hit him right behind the ear. The other guard wheeled around only to find Naomi on top of him and the blow to his nose that I tried to pull on Naomi earlier. This time Naomi was successful. Daniel spun around too and pulled the trigger Naomi cried out.

I popped out from behind the bush and fired. The bullet hit him just below the neck. He crumpled to the ground. I dashed over to Naomi and saw that she was unconscious or dead. I checked for a pulse it was faint but there was one. I pulled out the first aid kit I kept in a pocket in my cloak. I bandaged up her side wound and sensed a presence behind me. Instinctively I grabbed Naomi and dove to the side just as I heard a gunshot. I turned myself around, aimed and fired in an instant. The bullet hit Daniels gun, but how in the world did Daniel survive. The shot should have hit his spinal cord.

That didn’t matter I had him pinned for once something worked out for me.

“Just one question before I blow your head off your head off your shoulders” I said smoothly. “How did you survive my first bullet?”

“Have you ever heard of body armor insulated with Kevlar?” He didn’t wait for an answer and kept explaining. “I knew your diamond bullets would pierce through body armor or Kevlar alone but together they would protect me.” Then it exploded, while I was talking Daniel dropped a nova gas bomb. Yellow smoke engulfed me I dashed out of the smoke but I was dizzy and seeing triple. I saw Daniel charge me with a knife I pulled out mine. “Malcolm a little help please.” I said into my ear piece. All I got back was static.

I heard Daniels voice It sounded like an echo “Don’t bother Ace my portable radio jammer blocks your link with Malcolm.” I cursed under my breath then Daniel charged. I dodged his first assaults and clumsily swiped with my Knife. He danced around it. The nova gas effect was clearing some now I could see more clearly and in focus. He tried a downward thrust and instinctively rolled right between his legs. I popped up and tried a forward thrust but I was still sluggish. Daniel wheeled around and blocked. A jolt of electricity ran through my knife and shocked me pretty badly. I felt like my nerves were splitting and my skin was tingling all over, but the spark cleared my vision completely.

Daniel was standing over me. “Like my electro knife?”He mocked. Good bye old chap he said cheerfully. He brought his electro knife up high and grinned maliciously. Then his eyes widened and his knife dropped to the ground. Daniel’s lips moved but no sound came out, then his knees buckled and he was dead. Now I saw why. Five darts had buried themselves in the side of Daniels neck. I shakily stood up and saw Naomi limping over to me. 

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