Scripture breathed out by God

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2 Timothy 3:16 in the English Standard Version (ESV) reads:

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,"

Here's a breakdown of this verse:

1. **"All Scripture"**:
- Refers to the entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, considered as the holy and inspired Word of God.

2. **"is breathed out by God"**:

- This phrase, often translated as "inspired by God" in other versions, indicates that the Scriptures originate from God. The Greek word used here is "theopneustos," which combines "theos" (God) and "pneustos" (breathed out). It emphasizes that Scripture is divinely inspired.

3. **"and profitable for teaching"**:
- The Scriptures are useful and beneficial for teaching, providing sound doctrine and knowledge about God, life, and salvation.

4. **"for reproof"**:
- Scripture is valuable for reproof, meaning it can be used to expose and correct errors or wrong beliefs.

5. **"for correction"**:
- It is also useful for correction, guiding people back to the right path and proper behavior when they have strayed.

6. **"and for training in righteousness"**:
- The Scriptures serve as a guide for training in righteousness, helping believers to grow in godly character and live lives that reflect God's standards.

Overall, 2 Timothy 3:16 emphasizes the divine origin and comprehensive utility of the Scriptures in guiding, correcting, and instructing believers in their faith and conduct.

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