Curiosity of nonbeliever

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There are numerous challenging questions about Jesus Christ and the Bible that have been addressed by theologians. Here are some examples along with responses from well-regarded theologians:

1. **Historical Reliability of the Gospels**
- **Question:** How can we trust the historical reliability of the Gospels?
- **Response:** Scholars like N.T. Wright argue that the Gospels are based on eyewitness testimonies and oral traditions within a relatively short time after Jesus' life. Wright emphasizes that the Gospels reflect the cultural and historical context of the first century and contain multiple, independent sources of testimony which increase their credibility.

2. **Divinity of Jesus**
- **Question:** How do we know Jesus is divine?
- **Response:** C.S. Lewis famously presented the "Liar, Lunatic, or Lord" trilemma in his book "Mere Christianity." He argued that based on Jesus' claims about himself, he could not simply be a moral teacher. Jesus' resurrection, witnessed by many, supports the claim of his divinity, according to theologians like William Lane Craig, who also points to fulfilled prophecies and Jesus' miracles as evidence.

3. **The Problem of Evil**
- **Question:** Why does a loving God allow suffering and evil?
- **Response:** Alvin Plantinga addresses this in his Free Will Defense, suggesting that God allows evil to exist as a consequence of human free will, which is necessary for genuine love and moral choices. Plantinga argues that a world with free will is more valuable than one without, even if it includes the possibility of evil.

4. **The Resurrection**
- **Question:** How can we be sure Jesus actually rose from the dead?
- **Response:** Gary Habermas and Michael Licona present a case for the resurrection based on what they call "minimal facts," which are well-supported by historical evidence and agreed upon by a majority of scholars. These include Jesus' death by crucifixion, the empty tomb, the post-resurrection appearances, and the sudden growth of the Christian movement despite severe persecution.

5. **The Canon of Scripture**
- **Question:** How was the canon of the Bible determined and can it be trusted?
- **Response:** F.F. Bruce and Bruce Metzger explain that the canon of the New Testament was formed through a rigorous process of discernment by early Christians, considering apostolic authorship, consistency of doctrine, and widespread acceptance in the early church. They argue that the process was guided by the Holy Spirit, ensuring the reliability and divine inspiration of the canonical books.

6. **The Trinity**
- **Question:** How can God be one and three persons at the same time?
- **Response:** Augustine of Hippo and later, Karl Barth, expound on the doctrine of the Trinity by explaining it as one God in three co-equal and co-eternal persons. Augustine used analogies like the mind, knowledge, and love to help explain the concept, while Barth emphasized the relational aspects of the Trinity, showing how God reveals Himself in three distinct ways while remaining one essence.

7. **The Exclusivity of Christ**
- **Question:** How can Christianity claim that Jesus is the only way to God?
- **Response:** R.C. Sproul and John Piper argue that if Jesus is who he claimed to be, the Son of God and the Savior of the world, then his exclusive claims are justified. They emphasize that Jesus' unique life, death, and resurrection provide the singular path to reconciliation with God, as supported by Scripture (John 14:6).

These responses reflect a blend of historical, philosophical, and theological arguments presented by some of the leading minds in Christian thought.

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