The 12 apostles and followers

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Here are the twelve apostles with their original occupations:

1. Simon Peter - Fisherman
2. Andrew (Peter's brother) - Fisherman
3. James (son of Zebedee) - Fisherman
4. John (James's brother) - Fisherman
5. Philip - Unknown
6. Bartholomew (Nathanael) - Unknown
7. Thomas (Didymus) - Unknown
8. Matthew (Levi) - Tax Collector
9. James (son of Alphaeus) - Unknown
10. Thaddaeus (Judas, son of James) - Unknown
11. Simon the Zealot - Unknown
12. Judas Iscariot - Unknown

In addition to the twelve apostles, there were many others who followed Jesus during His ministry. Some of the notable individuals include:

1. **Mary Magdalene:** A devoted follower of Jesus who witnessed His crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. She is often regarded as one of the most faithful disciples.

2. **Joanna:** The wife of Chuza, Herod's household manager, who supported Jesus and His ministry financially and was among the women who witnessed His resurrection (Luke 8:3, Luke 24:10).

3. **Mary and Martha:** Sisters who hosted Jesus in their home and were close friends of His. Mary famously sat at Jesus' feet to listen to His teachings while Martha was busy with preparations (Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-44).

4. **Lazarus:** The brother of Mary and Martha, whom Jesus raised from the dead after four days in the tomb (John 11:1-44). Lazarus was a close friend of Jesus.

5. **Mary, the mother of Jesus:** While not initially identified as a disciple in the Gospels, Mary played a central role in Jesus' life and ministry, from His miraculous conception to His crucifixion and resurrection.

6. **Joseph of Arimathea:** A wealthy man and member of the Sanhedrin who provided his own tomb for Jesus' burial (Matthew 27:57-60, Mark 15:42-46, Luke 23:50-53, John 19:38-42).

7. **Nicodemus:** A Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin who visited Jesus at night to inquire about His teachings (John 3:1-21) and later helped prepare Jesus' body for burial (John 19:39-42).

8. **The Seventy Disciples:** In addition to the twelve apostles, Jesus also appointed seventy disciples (or seventy-two, depending on the translation) to go ahead of Him to every town and place where He was about to go, preaching the gospel and healing the sick (Luke 10:1-24).

These are just a few examples of the many individuals who followed Jesus during His earthly ministry, each contributing to the spread of His message and the establishment of His kingdom.

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