six [innocence or instinct]

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*Skip to Friday*

This week has been pretty un-eventful. After what happened on Monday, I was dead set on avoiding Cloud, which turned out to be quite easy since he never turned up at school. I haven't even caught a glimpse of him coming in (or going out) his house, I haven't seen him since the party. But that doesn't mean I haven't thought about him, I can't get the stupid boy out of my head. And it's not what you think, it's not like I'm 'longing' for him, I'm more confused as to why I was able to take down a guy of his size, just by looking at him. Also, how can he block my ..'power'? No one has been able to do that before, until now, at least. I just need answers! But not from Cloud, I must admit, I'm slightly afraid of what will happen when I do see him again. Will he be angry? Or scared.. Or will he just think I'm a freak? Ugh, I'm driving myself insane with these stupid thoughts. Why can't I tune out of my own head for once? I was brought out of my trance by a loud honking noise, coming from the car behind me. I realised the traffic light was no longer at stop, so I pulled out of the lane I had been sitting in for the past ten minutes. In case you're wondering where I'm going, I'm heading back to the school I not long left about two hours ago. Yep, I got detention. For what? Falling asleep in class, apparently I was being "disrespectful" or whatever. I sighed to myself, pulling into the school's parking lot and stopping relatively close to the main door. I stomped through the empty halls, before landing myself in front of a closer door. I knocked quietly, not to disturb the eerily quiet hallway. "Come in," a loud voice barked. I opened the door slightly, shuffling my body in and closing it behind me. "Ah Emily, how nice to see you again." He muttered sarcastically, 'he' being Mr. Walker or as I like to call him, Mr. Wanker. He's such a grumpy little bitch. I gave him a grunt in response, trudging my way to my usual seat, in the far back. It was so hard not to fall asleep again, I tell you. I sighed to myself, folding my arms across the table and looking out the window. It was dark out by now, the sun covered by rain clouds. Next to our school was a huge forest of, well.. Trees. What else do you find in a forest? Anyway, I think I may have been looking at it for way too long, I could've sworn I saw something moving through them, very skill-fully, I might add. I shook my head, as if trying to rid my brain of those thoughts and pulled out my sketch pad. I sat and doodled absentmindedly for the next hour or so, until Mr. Wank- Walker, gave me permission to leave. I gathered up my things and rushed out the door, eager to leave this god-awful place. After leaving the classroom, I realised that the lights had been turned off. I squinted my eyes, trying to see through the darkness, but it was no use. I gave up and walked back into the classroom. "Mr. Walk-" I stopped mid-sentence, noticing that he was no longer in the long. "What the.." I whispered to myself, "Mr. Walker?" I called a bit louder. I walked further into the classroom and saw that his jacket and suitcase was still next to his desk, waiting to be picked up. "Mr. Walker!" I shouted. As I turned around to leave, the door slammed shut by itself. I gasped, jumping back in fear. I got this creepy feeling that someone was watching me, I looked around the room franticly, before turning to the windows. I ran up to them and closed the shades. I suddenly heard banging in the halls, getting closer and closer to the room I was trapped in. My heart started beating out of my chest, I was terrified. I started searching for somewhere to hide, after coming up empty, I was contemplating going out the window, before I remember there was an air vent in this room. I looked up to the roof and found it's placement, jumping on top of a table, I pushed the lid open and threw my bag above my head, before pulling myself up and scooting along the vent tunnel. I pushed the lid back in place just as I heard the classroom door slam open, I held my breath and my heart crept up to my throat. I heard heavy breathing and even heavier footsteps, I assumed it was a man. Surely, a woman wouldn't be that heavy on their feet? I heard him walking around the room, searching for something, I think. I'm just hoping it wasn't me. After a full minute of standing below me, searching and sniffing his way around the classroom, I heard him give out a low growl and slam the door on his way out. I let out a shaky breath when I heard him stomping down the halls. I was contemplating what to do, being stuck in a vent in your high school, with a possible serial killer creeping about.. Wait a minute, my phone! Where is my phone? I started looking through my back, thankfully finding it with a full battery, but no signal. I sighed quietly to myself, giving up all hope of getting out of here tonight, or alive, even. Just when I was starting to get comfortable in this cold, metal surface, I heard a whisper saying my name. I sat up slowly, unsure of who, or what, I was hearing. "Alesana.." Hold on a minute, no one calls me that! Well, apart from.. "Cloud!" I gasped, relief flooding through me. Two seconds after his name left my mouth, I heard the door to the classroom open and another presence below me. "Alesana? Where are you?!" He whisper-shouted, concern lacing every word he said. I was debating wether or not to reply, wondering if it was him I was in danger from, not someone else. He wouldn't hurt me, would he? I questioned him, silently. Looking down at him through the lid of the vent. "Alesana, please come out.. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." His soft voice drifted through my ears, soothing any doubt I had of him. Well, that's all I needed to hear. I slowly picked up the lid for the vent, peering down at Cloud as I threw my bag to the floor. Cloud looked up to me with relief flooding his face, I gave him a slight smile in return. He helped me down and put the vent lid back in place, leaving the classroom looking seemingly un-touched. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking all over my body for conformation, I assume. "Yeah.." I whispered, feeling shy under his gaze. "What's going on?" I questioned, my curiosity getting the better of me. "Not now," Cloud replied. "We have to go." He handed me my bag and proceeded to pull me out the door, "But-" I protested, before being cut off by Cloud. "I said not now, okay? We'll talk later, just please, listen to me. At least for now, can you do that for me?" I merely nodded in response, not entirely sure what I should say. I let Cloud drag me through the halls aimlessly, since I couldn't see where I was going, I put my faith in Clouds eyes instead. I'm not going to lie and say that I wasn't afraid, I was terrified. Even though walking hand in hand with Cloud made me feel a tiny bit safer, I'd feel much better if I was far, far away from this damn school. As I was getting caught up in my own thoughts, I suddenly walked into, what felt like, a brick wall. "Ouch.." I muttered, sarcastically. And when Cloud didn't turn around, I proceeded to poke him in the back. "Alesana," he whispered. "When I say so, I want you to run and don't look back, okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows, squeezing my grip on his hand a little tighter. "But, I- I can't see where I'm going, it's too dark." I complained, weakly. "Just- when I tell you to go, turn and run to the end of this hallway, take a right until you see a trophy case and then take a sharp turn left, up the stairs and out the office door, okay? Get in your car and keep driving, don't go home and wait for my call." I was starting to get really confused. Why couldn't I go home? Was my mom okay? Was my family okay? Why won't Cloud turn around and look at me! What's going on!?! I sighed, mostly to myself, getting frustrated. "Cloud, would you please just tell me what the fuck is go-" "Alesana, run!" Cloud shouted, suddenly. "What?" I gasped, not moving as my hand dropped from his grasp. Cloud finally turned around and oh, how I wish he hadn't. His eyes were bloodshot, his veins were poking out and his teeth were.. Growing? What? I immediately jumped back in fear. Two of his teeth had produced into fangs. "Go." He growled at me, his hands balling into fists. I didn't need to be told again, I turned and booked it out of the place. I barely got round the corner before I heard a crash and sounds of a struggle, which only made me run faster. I finally made it outside the school, feeling the bitter cold nip at my skin, making me realise that I left my hoodie in Mr. Walkers' classroom. Fuck. I'm stuck outside in the freezing cold, wearing nothing but some old blue jeans and a tank top. Great. I jogged to my car and hastily opened the door, nearly dropping my bag in the process. I slammed my door and started the engine, before a scary thought stopped me dead in my tracks. What about Cloud? I can't just leave him here, it's not right. If anything happened to him, I'd never be able to forgive myself. After contemplating what to do for. few minutes, the less selfish part of me won. "Damn it," I muttered to myself. "Why do I have to care!" I pulled the key out of the ignition and stepped out of the car, leaving it unlocked, just incase I may not have long enough to unlock it next time. I ran back in the school the same way I left, following Clouds' directions backwards, before ending up in a very familiar hallway. I gasped at what I saw, it looked like a bomb had hit this place! The walls were cracked and smashed in various places, the lockers had been dented and doors were hanging off a few of them. I stood there for a few minutes, staring at the damage that had been done. I heard a low groan echo down the hallway I was standing in and without a second thought, I took off down the hallway. The only thought going through my head was a picture of Cloud, lying dead on the hallway floor of my High School. "Oh god." I screeched, covering my hands over my mouth as if I was going to puke. I had walked into the most gruesome scene I ever thought possible. Cloud was leaning, or rather lying, against a wall and his guts were literally hanging out across the floor. It made me want to be sick. Or cry. Or both! I was so distracted with trying to keep my food in my stomach, rather than on the floor, I didn't notice the man hovering over him. The man slowly got to his feet, before turning and looking me dead in the eyes, with a smirk evident on his face. I studied him as he did with me. And while he looked please with what he saw, I however, was not. He gave me the creeps, even from a good ten feet away. He had short brown hair, gelled back into some sort of style. His lips were thin and smooth, his nose was sharp and pointy, while his eyes.. His eyes. They screamed danger. I suppressed a shiver. "Ah, Alesana.. We meet at last. Little Lucas here," he nodded towards him. "Has told me so much about you." He greeted in a strong english accent. He looked at me, awaiting a response, while I just growled at him. "Feisty, are we?" He smirked at me. "Mmm," he moaned. "I like a challenge." He licked his lips. I've had enough. "What do you want?" I snapped, finally speaking up. He chuckled darkly, with no humour. "Ah, darling-" I cut him off, "I'm not your fucking darling." He just smirked, again. What a prick. "Listen, darling.." He emphasised, while a low growl made its presence in the back of my throat. "It's not about what I want, it's about what he wants." He finished, gesturing toward Cloud. "And he wants you." I shook my head, feeling as if I should laugh at him or something. He can't be serious, right? "You've got to be joking. Cloud doesn't want me, he can get any girl he wants, why in the fuck would he choose me?" I scowled at him. "Now now, don't put yourself down, love.. You're a very pretty girl. And let's not forget about your, well.. Assets." He smirked, his eyes scanning down my body and back up to my face. "You're a pig." I snarled. "Maybe so," he turned and moved towards Cloud. "But me and lover boy here, we're the same. It'd do you well to remember that." He started shaking Cloud lightly, "Wakey Wakey, sleepyhead.." I jumped slightly when Cloud starting moving. "C'mon mate, you're missing all the fun. Your little girlfriend's here," As he said this, Cloud's eyes snapped open and landed straight on me. "she came back for you. How sweet." He mocked, sarcastically. Cloud growled in response. Damn, there sure is a lot of growling going on here. The man laughed at Cloud as he started pulling his guts back into his stomach, I had to turn away, I couldn't watch. "Leave him alone." I warned him, trying to get his attention away from Cloud, and back to me. "As you wish, love." He put his hands up in surrender, slowly backing away from Cloud and closer to me. "You can't do this!" I screamed at him, finally losing my temper. "This is my life, my school and my business! You have no right to just walk in here and stomp all over it, I don't even fucking know you!" By the time I was finished with my little 'outburst', I was right up in his face and he held a look of slight shock. But that was soon replaced by a smirk. "I can, and will do, whatever I want, whenever I want.." By now, I was slowly backing away from him, but he just mirrored my actions. "Got it?" He snarled, anger visible on his face. Whoops, guess I hit a nerve. "Leave her alone." Cloud warned. Fuck, I almost forgot he was here. "Or else what?", he challenged. He turned and stalked towards Cloud, who was still lying on the floor. "I could kill you in the time it takes her to blink." He mocked. I started to panic. He wouldn't actually kill Cloud, would he? ..I honestly don't know. And I don't want to find out. But what does all of this mean? Who is this English prick? Who is Cloud? Do I even really know him? I need answers! Wait, that man said that him and Cloud are the same.. All of the sudden, the pieces started to fall together in my mind. So if I can use my power to bring pain to Cloud (even if it was unintentionally), I could use it to bring pain to this guy.. Right? I mean, it has to make sense, somehow. Well, it's worth a shot. I can't let him hurt Cloud. "Hey!" I shouted, stopping him in his advances on Cloud. He slowly turned towards me, although I wished he hadn't. Deja vu? Yes. His eyes were bloodshot and there was fangs poking over his lower lip. I refrained myself from gasping, but I couldn't stop myself from taking a small step back. He smirked when he noticed this. This only gave me more motivation for what I was about to do. I caught eye contact with him and no matter how much I wanted to look away, I endured it and held his gaze. I, slowly but surely, turned my 'block' off and thanks to no one else being around but us three, I was met with nothing but silence. I focused on him, nothing and no one else, it felt like I was in a trance of some sort. It took a while, but after a lot more concentration and a little bit of pain, he finally crumpled to the floor. I smirked a bit at actually being able to take him down, he seemed so.. Powerful. But I guess I can be too. "No.." I heard a low groan. "Alesana.." My concentration started wavering. "Stop." No. I don't want to. "He hurt you.." I whispered in response to Cloud. I'm sorry. I put even more strength into it, pushing into his head, causing 'the guy' (I still don't even know his name) to let out an ear-piercing scream. "For me? Alesana, stop.. For me." I didn't know what to do. I was scared. I can't- "Please.." Just like that, it was over. I fell to the floor and he was up, and he looked terrified. I was shocked. "You- you, how.. You're one of them." He barely choked out, before disappearing. When I was sure he was out of sight, I looked at Cloud. We stared at each other for a few minutes, before I started feeling dizzy. I felt my eyes rolling and before I knew it, I was out like a light.

(Superhappyamazingmegafun long chapter, yay!^^ sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm too tired. Lots of explanations in the next one though, yippee! Enjoy, please vote, comment, follow(fan) etc :)

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