one [home, shitty home]

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Most people would say that they're normal. That they're just like any other teenage kid.. But not me. I take pride in the fact that I am much different than the mindless, immature idiots who call themselves young adults nowadays. Aside from the jet black hair, the piercings, the tattoos and my, or rather lack of, style.. I can hear peoples' thoughts. All day, everyday. It first started when I was thirteen. I was young, naive and thought my family would love me no matter what. Boy, was I wrong.. I'm sixteen now and I can't wait for this year to be over with, so I can legally leave this shit hole of a town. When I found out what I could do, I went to the first person any scared, little girl would.. I went to my Dad. He told me to stop being so immature and to 'grow the fuck up'. He had never spoke to me like that before, and I never spoke to him again after that. I learned the hard way that, I should keep my dirty little secret to myself. A few years later, when I was fifteen, my family finally fell apart after years of barely even trying to stick together. My Dad found a young, sweet piece of ass that would do anything for him. All she asked for, was his money in return. My Mom broke down, became an alcoholic and blamed me for everything. She even beat me a few times when she was drunk. Only once when she was sober. She's stopped the drinking now, as she's recently met a new man. They've gotten engaged quite quick and I think my Mom is finally starting to forgive me for dad leaving. Even when it was no way fucking near my fault. I can't even stand to look at her. A year or so ago, I finally got a handle on my, uh.. 'gift'? Yeah, we'll call it that. I can control it better now. I can tune out of peoples' thoughts and save myself a hella' lot of headaches. Anyway, enough about me.. Let's talk about the racket coming from my Moms' bedroom, on the other side of the fucking house. Ugh, they make me want to puke. With their banging, moaning and all their lovey-dovey crap. I don't believe in love, never have and never will. As I drift out of my thoughts, I hear a van pull up outside. I look out my window and see a moving van outside the old next door neighbours' house. It belonged to an old lady, who was quite nice. She would always smile and wave at me, never having to fake her happy-go-lucky mood. It's a bit late to be moving into a new house, isn't it? I looked at my clock and realized it was only 6pm. I guess it's not as late as I thought.. I turned back to the window to see the the movers' loading stuff out of the truck and into the house, while a man in a grey hoodie followed behind them. When the movers' were finished, he turned around and watched the truck as it drove away. As he was still standing on his porch, I had perfect view of him from my window. He turned to walk in his front door, glancing up at the rain that had started to silently fall. I now had a pretty good look of his face, so I took this as an oppurtunity to take in his facial features. He wasn't a man. At least, he didn't look it. He looked like a teenage boy, but his eyes held a certain maturity about them that most teenage kids lacked nowadays. He was quite good looking, if i do say so myself. He had dark brown hair, so dark that from far away, you would've thought it was black. And light grey eyes that could only look attractive on him. He had a straight nose, which went perfect with his full, plump lips. Just as I was done checking him out, he turned and walked in the old neighbours house. Or, was it his house now? Hm.. I wonder if he knows an old lady died in there, I thought to myself, at least I know a way to scare him off if he happens to get on my bad side. My head snapped around at the sound of a knock on my door, I ignored it. Regardless though, in strolled none other than my little sister, Lilith. Not biologically, of course. She came along with my moms' fiance, as a package deal. She would have been quite adorable, with her long blonde curls, cute button nose and what not, if she hadn't have been the devil child. I swear, when this child doesn't get her way, the bloody plague comes storming through. Sometimes, eight year olds are harder to deal with than adults. I was brought out of my thoughts by a sweet, childlike voice that sounded like it wanted something. "Mommy said her and Daddy are going out for dinner, so you have to cook for me." she stated confidently, knowing that I would have no choice. I snorted to myself. I thought sex was supposed to happen after the date, not before.. The pigs. "Fine." I grunted, watching her grin and twirl around like she was a fucking princess or some shit, before storming out of my room, slamming the door behind her. I slowly stood up, off my window seat and walked over to my desk. I turned on my laptop and hooked it up to my speakers, before playing some music that Daddy dearest certainly would not have approved of. I chuckled without humour, as I thought to myself; why would Daddy give a shit? it's not like he's even here, anyway. I pulled on a hoodie over my tanktop and skinny jeans, before plopping myself on my bed, waiting for the sound of 'mommy and daddy' leaving. Sure enough, not even ten minutes later, the front door slammed and the devil child herself burst through my door and jumped on my bed. She grinned at me and I couldn't help but smile slightly back. I guess she was okay.. Sometimes. "So, what are we having for dinner?" she asked, politely. I shrugged my shoulders. She was used to these one-sided conversations, as were the other two people who lived in this house. I wasn't much of a talker. "Do you just want to order a pizza or something? That means you won't have to cook, and I won't have to die from food poisoning." She smirked at me, I nearly laughed. Nearly. I haven't laughed in years, I'm pretty sure I've forgotten how. "And I won't tell Mommy or Daddy." she continued, as if trying to persuade me. I just nodded my head and stood up, holding my arms out to her and picking her up as she jumped into my arms. Usually, I hate being touched and flinch away from any physical contact. But I guess I was just in a good mood, today. I carried her down the stairs and ordered a chinese, paying with the money out of my Moms' purse of course. Of course she'd leave it here. With her lover boy with her, she wouldn't need a dime on her. Me and Lilith had a mutual understanding. I let her play loudly, stay up longer, watch scary movies and eat take-out and in return, I didn't have to cook. We never uttered a word to anyone, it was like our little secret. About half an hour later, the food came. Lilith wanted to sit in the backyard and eat. I couldn't blame her, it wasn't even fully dark yet and it was beautiful outside. So I decided, why not? So we got our food and sat out on the back deck. It didn't last long though. Soon enough, Lilith dragged me over the grass and pulled me onto her play set. I smiled grimly at her as she was telling me about memories with her dad and her, playing in parks and how much fun they would have. It hurt to hear, bringing back memories of my own Dad.. But I couldn't bring myself to tell her to shut up. She had this happy, blissful look on her face as she spoke out these memories. After about an hour or so, we had finished our food and we were having another, very one-sided, conversation. I told her to stay here and that I was going to grab us something to drink, to wash the food down. I jumped in the back door and grabbed a juice box and a bottle of water out the fridge, I walked back outside, expecting to see her sitting on her play set / climbimg frame thing. So I was shocked when I found her standing next to the small fence, talking to the tall, dark stranger who had moved in next door. "Lilith," I whispered, walking up behind her. I was suprised she had heard me, but sure enough, she turned around. I guess she was shocked that I was even talking. "you're not supposed to talk to strangers." I lightly scolded her. She just smiled shyly and exclaimed, "But he's a nice stranger!" I just gave her a ghost of a smile and handed her a juice box. "You better hurry up and play, your Dad will be home soon." She nodded her head and turned to walk away, but not before waving at the strange boy and saying "It was nice to meet you, Lucas!" I looked up to see his reaction, but saw that he was staring at me. I wanted to look away, but his grey eyes held me there. "Ah, what did I tell you, little Lilith?" he smirked, his eyes never leaving mine. His voice was like a melody, it was like music to your ears every time he spoke. It was nice and friendly, but still had a mysterious edge to it. It was bloody perfect. I heard Lilith giggle, but it seemed farther away than if she was still standing next to me. I didn't even hear her move. "It was nice meeting you, Cloud!" she corrected herself. Hm, must be a nickname, I thought to myself. You'd think it would start to get awkward by now. Two strangers, who haven't even uttered a word to each other, staring deep inside the others' eyes. Just as I was thinking about turning and walking away, he finally spoke. "I'm Lucas, but call me Cloud." he said, his eyes never breaking my gaze. I decided I should probably respond. "Alesana," I stated, nodding my head in greeting. "but call me Ally or Emily." I suggested, slightly ashamed of my weird name. He nodded and gave me a kind smile, "It's nice to meet you, Alesana. If you don't mind, I'd rather call you by your full name. I like it better." I just nodded, a faint hint of a smile playing at my lips. "Ally!" I heard Lilith shout from behind me, I spun around to see why she sounded so anxious. She pointed at the house and as I listened, I heard a car in the driveway. I nodded at her, in understanding. "Go get ready for bed, I'll take this one." She smiled gratefully at me before running into the house and assumingly, up the stairs. I dashed around the backyard and picked up the take-out wrappers and other various rubbish, dumping it in the trash can at the side of the house. I walked back into veiw just as my mother stepped out the back door. "What in the hell are you doing out here, Emily!?" she shouted, using my middle name. She never called me by my first name, as my Dad picked it out. She always said it hurt too much to even say it. I cringed at the coldness in her voice. I just shrugged my shoulders, showing no emotion towards her. She stood glaring at me for a matter of five seconds, before she noticed a figure on the other side of the fence. "Oh, why hello there.. And who might you be?" I turned to see Luc- Cloud, still standing there, staring at me. "Lucas." he replied coldly, not even sparing my mother a glance. "Nice to meet you, Lucas.. I'm Amanda. May I ask why you're standing on the other side of my fence?" she asked, politely. She never showed that much hospitality to her own fucking kid, but a random stranger out back? I felt anger boil inside me and I must've let it show, because Cloud gave me a questioning look. I shook my head and looked away from him, hearing him reply to my mother. "It seems that I'm your new neighbour." he stated. "Oh well, I will have to welcome you to the neighbourhood tomorrow! It's not normal to get greeted at this ungodly hour, in a backyard nonetheless!" she laughed, as if she had just made the funniest joke in the world. "Yeah, because we're so fucking normal." I muttered quietly, but she must've heard me because she stopped laughing and snapped her gaze in my direction, glaring at me. "Now honey, do you really think that language is appropriate in front of company? And towards your mother, nonetheless?" she seethed, getting visibly irritated with me. So much for her forgiving me, eh? "You're no mother of mine." I stated coldly, walking past her and into the house. I heard her apoligize for my behaviour and putting on the worried mother act, pretending like she didn't know what was wrong with me. I must've let my guard down, because I started hearing moms', liliths' and her dads' thoughts. I all but ran to my room and slammed the door, locking it behind me as I grabbed my earphones and turned my iPod up as far as it would go. I got changed for bed in a hurry, diving under my covers and blocking out the world. I started to drift off, but before I fell into a deep sleep, a bothering thought occured to me.. Why couldn't I hear Clouds' thoughts?

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