four [love is sweet, revenge is sweeter: part 1]

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(Sorry for such a long wait :c but I now, have a baby nephew! which my niece is not too happy about heheh. They're both too cute. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out where to take this story, so I'm just gonna write out this chapter and see how it goes. Thanks:)

It's Monday again. School, again. Great. I slowly drag myself out of bed and to the bathroom, turning on the shower before stripping and letting the warm water pour over me. Washing the nightmares away. As I stand there, running the shampoo through my hair, my thoughts are going into overdrive. I've been awake for most of the night, barely getting an hour's sleep before my alarm went off. I can't help but think about how Cloud kept turning up in my nightmares.. Every time, without fail. The one that stood out the most was an image of myself, looking out a window into my own bedroom, I looked around myself and realised I was in Clouds house. I looked back up to see Cloud standing in my bedroom, staring back at me before there was a knock on my door and Lilith walked in, holding the teddy bear I bought for her birthday. I heard her saying my name, before she noticed Cloud and screamed my name, calling out for me to help her. I was confused until I looked at Clouds face, it was.. Changing. He was changing. He was a monster. His face paled, his veins stuck out and two fangs produced over his bottom lip. I gasped and jumped back, before he pounced on Lilith and then.. I woke up. I shivered to myself just remembering it. I wrapped a towel around myself, walking out of my bathroom and to my closet. I opened it and pulled out a stuffed teddy bear, checking it was still there. Still holding the Hello Kitty doll in my hands, I turned and looked out my window, making eye contact with a wet, shirtless Cloud. We stared at each other for a whole minute, before he made a wave gesture in my direction. Ignoring the butterflies in my stomach, I reached up and pulled my curtain closed. I wasn't in the mood for manners, not this early and especially not to him. I got changed into my outfit for the day, which consisted of my light blue ripped skinny jeans, a white tank top and a checkered black and grey shirt over it. I straightened my hair and applied some make up, before finishing and grabbing my backpack. I stopped and stared at myself in the mirror, not being pleased with what I saw. At all. I think I might dye my hair later, actually.. Why not? I've got nothing better to do. I grabbed my iPod and phone, shoving them in my pocket before hopping out my bedroom and down the stairs. "Good morning, Emily." My mom greeted me, I gave her a wave in response. "Oh c'mon, you can at least talk to me? After all, me and Paul have a surprise for you." She winked at me. Okay, she seems a bit too happy and a bit too nice for my liking.. What is she up to? "What kind of surprise?" I questioned. "A birthday suprise, obviously!" Oh god, how could I forget? Lilith is always going on about how my birthday is the day before hers. Which means that in two days, I'll be seventeen. "One that will stop you from borrowing one of our cars, most of the time.. But since we already paid for it, I expect you to look after it and fill it up yourself. We'll help with insurance and everything, but it's still up to you." She explained, walking towards and the front door and motioning for me to follow her. I did as she requested and followed her outside, stopping in my tracks when I spotted a metallic blue, two-door Honda Civic in the driveway. My mouth hung open in shock, when my mom turned around and grinned at me. "You like?" She winked. I closed my mouth, crossing my arms over my chest, "What's the catch?" I asked, suspiciously. "No catch," she held her hands up in surrender. "Just that, well.. There's a party for Paul's work tonight, a cocktail party. And everyone wants to meet his soon-to-be step kids and it would mean a lot to both of us if you could come, please? I know we don't get a long much, but-" "Okay.", I cut off her rambling. "What?" She looked shocked. "I said okay, I'll go. I don't mind." I attempted to give her a slight smile, she leaned forward and hugged me, squeezing me tight. I felt slightly awkward and didn't know what to do, I slowly raised my hands and patted her back. She pulled back not long after and gave me one last smile, before handing me the car keys and walking back towards the house. "Hey mom, uhm.. Thanks." I stuttered, not used to this kind of stuff. "For the car, I mean. I love it." I smiled at her, a genuine smile. She smiled back, before telling me to have fun at school and closing the front door behind her. I turned and headed towards my car, yep, my car. God, that sounds so good. I got in, throwing my bag in the passenger seat. Maybe today won't be as bad as I thought..

"I'm miss sugar pink, liquor liquor lips.." I quietly sung to myself, before cutting off the engine and cutting off the song. Unplugging my iPod from the stereo and putting in my earphones, I grabbed my bag and jumped out of my car. Jogging towards the front entrance of the school, not looking where I was going, I ran straight into what felt like, a brick wall. "Ouch.." I muttered, rubbing my forehead. "Are you okay?" A voice asked, before a muscular hand appeared in front of my face. "I'm sure I'll live." I said, my tone laced with sarcasm. I grabbed his hand to help me up, before looking up to see the face that had haunted my dreams last night. "Hello, Alesana." He smirked at me. I just grunted and tried to walk past him. "Hey, what's up? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, grabbing my elbow to pull me back. I flinched away from his touch like it had burned me, he looked down to the ground, but not before I saw the hurt look in his eyes. Stop being a bitch, Emily, it's not his fault you can't sleep through the fucking night. Grow up. I sighed, "Look, I'm sorry Cloud.. I just, didn't get a lot of sleep last night and it's making me grumpy." He looked up at me and smiled in reponse. "What are you doing here, anyway? Aren't you a bit old for High School.." I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm only seventeen, Alesana." He laughed. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Where are your parents then?" I insisted. His eyes turned dark and all traces of laughter left his face, "Dead." He stated, bluntly. Shock overtook me. "I'm sorry.." I apoligized, guilt overtaking me. He was quiet for a minute or two, staring in my eyes. "You really mean that, don't you?" He sounded strange, as if no one had ever given him sympathy before. "Of course I do." I muttered. The final bell rang, signalling that first period had started. "Saved by the bell," He chuckled. "Could you show me where the office is?" I nodded, signalling him to follow me and we walked in to the school side by side, I left him at the office and went off to my first class.

The day went by pretty fast, next thing I knew it was lunch and I was starving. Why didn't I eat breakfast, again? I cursed myself, heading to the cafeteria and joining the end of the queue. I glanced around the room, not really interested in sitting with anyone until I saw Cloud sitting at a table, surrounding by a bunch of blonde bimbos wearing waaay too much fucking make up and a t-shirt three sizes too small. I screwed my nose up, taking my eyes off them before I lost my appetite. I picked out my food and paid for my sandwich, lucozade and fruit. I scanned the room for an empty table and caught sight of one directly next to Cloud and his bimbos. Great, I thought to myself. I kept my head down and headed towards the table, taking my seat and pulling out my iPod. Scrolling through the songs, I finally decided on 'My Medicine' by The Pretty Reckless and turned up my headphones, intent on ignoring anything and everyone. I started filling up my empty stomach, I got through about 3 songs before I felt the presence of someone across from me. I looked up and came face to face with, none other than, Cloud. He pulled out one of my earphones and stuck it in his ear. He must've approved of my music choices, because he started bobbing his head along with the beat. I pulled my earphone back and pulled the other one out, "What do you want?" I snapped. I didn't mean to snap at him, and i honestly don't know why I did. "To know what your plans for tonight are." I looked at him, obviously confused. "Why?" I asked. "Because, I want to know if you're busy." I shrugged my shoulders, not sure where he was going with this. "Well I am, so you can go now." I smiled sweetly at him, too sweetly. "That's too bad, I wanted to hang out with you, but if you're too busy.. I guess I'll just take Miranda up on her offer." He smirked. "What offer?" I couldn't help myself, it slipped out. I'm not even sure if I want to know. 'Yes, yes you do.' Oh shut up, stupid brain. Cloud interupted my internal arguement by saying, "She invited me to be her date for her dad's work party tonight or something, a cocktail party. Apparently it's pretty high class. Some rich business or some shit." He shrugged, obviously not caring enough to listen to 'Miranda' for details. Something in my head clicked, causing me to smirk at him. I have to admit, I couldn't help feeling a little jealous. And I don't get jealous, I get revenge. "Yeah, I guess that is too bad. Have fun tonight, though.. I know I will." I smirked at him, giving him a wink before standing up and walking out of the cafeteria, feeling his gaze burning into my back the whole way.

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