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Araya was in her classroom, reviewing while Gorya was doing homework.

Suddenly, this really pretty girl sat on a chair in front of them with a smile on her face.

"Hi! I'm Hana, I'm new here, I just moved from the US." She introduced herself

Gorya looked startled while Araya just looked at Hana with a poker face. Silence filled the air until Hana broke it after noticing the look on our faces "What's wrong?" She asked

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm Gorya." Gorya introduced herself while Araya got back to doing my homework

"And what about you?" Hana asked me as Araya looked up at her, not really wanting to speak with her

"I'm Araya." I said as she nodded

After another few seconds of silence, Hana broke it again "Where are your other friends?" She asked

"We don't really have a group of friends. We just have each other, me and Araya." Gorya stated as Hana made a 'ohh' sound

"And I'm kind of on an athletic scholarship so I have to pay more attention to class. And, I don't really talk to anyone here besides Araya." Gorya told her as she continued

"And Araya here, is cold as ice. She doesn't like talking to anyone." Gorya stated as she nudged her shoulder with hers

"It's true." Araya said, putting the cover back on my pen before leaning forward a little.

"You see those 3 girls? They only talk about expensive bags they just bought. Or which country will they go this summer. They're big bullies as well, I hate their guts. I don't like talking to anyone here besides Gorya." Araya finished explaining before leaning back in her seat

"For an international school like this one, only rich kids go here. There are not a lot of students with scholarships like me. We're not quite like the others here so it's fine if you want to befriend someone else." Gorya finished as Hana stood up, walking away

"I knew she thinks of us just like everybody else." Araya muttered, rolling my eyes. Or maybe she spoke too soon since Hana came back, holding a container of freshly baked pastries

"I don't, Araya. I'm not like that." Hana said, smiling as she opened the container and took out a cookie, holding it out to me

She looked at her for a moment before letting out a sigh and took the cookie "Sorry." Araya apologized, taking a bite out of it, giving her a nod

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Hana told me, giving her a sweet smile

"And I'm not gonna stop trying until you become comfortable around me! We are friends for a reason." Araya let out a low chuckle at Hana's statement

"We'll see."

During these few minutes, Hana asked for some tips for a new student like her and Gorya proceeded to tell her about the F4 boys and the red card.

Araya scoffed when Hana asked if the teachers do anything about it "The teachers? They don't care at all, they just let their students be. Kocher High is a dangerous place." She said, taking a sip of her drink.

"They do all the bullying at the abandoned stadium in Kocher High, it's the only placed without cameras. You wanna check it out?" She asked Hana nodded

The three of them agreed to go to the abandoned stadium to show Hana what they were saying is true. They saw the victim getting beaten up by three or four other males.

Just in time, F4 arrived and sat down on each of the red couches or bean bags or whatever they're called.

"Phupha Komolpetch of class 6/1, a top student with a clean record, never had any trouble. You're a teacher's pet." Thyme spoke as he stood up and slowly walked towards the victim

"It's a shame all that will be ruined, just because you planned to expose everything that happened in this school." He said, crouching down to his level

"Honestly, do you think I'm an idiot?" He asked, smirking

"So? This red card game is wrong! No matter how hard you try to cover it up, you can't escape the truth." The victim told him but the cocky smirk never left Thyme's face.

After a few, students started throwing crumpled paper at him while cheering "you, people, disgust me." Araya muttered, glaring F4

Suddenly, she saw Ren looking up at them, she just looked back at him, coldly then scoffed, looking away. He seemed like he was sighing and began walking away after.

After a few seconds of Thyme beating Phupha (the victim) up, Phupha snapped.

"What the hell is wrong with you all?! Why would you let F4 force us to play the red card game?! Open your eyes!" He yelled, looking around

"If we work together, we can stop this game!" He spoke as everyone in the stadium went silent.

Araya let out a sigh, knowing that wouldn't help since these motherfuckers just want to continue watching someone get beaten up to death.

Like what she said, they didn't care cause someone threw a paper plane at him, causing everyone here to laugh and 'booed' him.

Then Phupha was getting beaten up again when Thyme stopped them.

"Can't you see? Do you think I ordered them to bully you?" Thyme asked, cockily

A few minutes passed by and the three of them just left.

Gorya jogged up the stairs to the rooftop and Araya followed.

"Gorya! What are you doing? Wait!" She yelled as Gorya stopped, making her stop running as well and leaned against the railings, yelling about how this school is filled with jackasses and how F4 think they're so cool shit like that.

Araya chuckled, placing her hands in her pockets while watching Gorya deal with her anger.

After a few, she finally stopped. She turned around and froze "You heard all those?" She asked as Araya snorted

"C'mon, I've seen you do this a lot. Don't act surprised." Araya laughed

Gorya walked towards her, linking their arms together "it feels good though, you should try it." She said as they walked out of the rooftop togethet.

"Nah, it's embarrassing." Araya said, laughing as we walked back to class together

Little did they know, someone had actually heard it all.

Blooming Hearts/F4 That Was Once F5 | F4 Thailand (Ren x oc)Where stories live. Discover now