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In the middle of watching the video, Araya felt someone's presence beside her.

She looked to her side and saw Ren, so close btw, watching the video Gorya sent her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, backing away as she turned her phone off and crossed her arms.

"I haven't seen you smile like that in a while." He said, he seemed genuine, he looked down at her. And they made eye contact again.

She didn't respond cause she was speechless. She cleared her throat and broke their eye contact "So what?"

He stood up straight while still looking down at her "I miss it." He said, straightforwardly

What the fuck?

She looked back up at him again, frowning "You.. miss it?"

"You should smile often, Araya. It looks good on you." He said as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear which caught her off-guard and placed his hand back in his pocket, giving Araya a smile before walking away.

She watched as he left her side. She didn't know what to feel, should she be thrilled? Angry? Happy?

She didn't even know how much time has passed cause she was so deep in her thoughts after that little interaction with Ren.

She didn't even notice Thyme calling her name "Araya."

"Hey!" He yelled in her ear, making her come back from her thoughts.

She flinched "You could've damaged my ear drums, you asshat!" She said, glaring at him

A few seconds of silence, she looked at him with a 'what?!" look.

"What?!" She yelled, startling Thyme

"What?!" He yelled as well

"Why are you here? What did you call me for?" She asked, frowning

"Because it's getting late, dumbass. It's cold outside and you're still out here, looking like a little girl who lost her Barbie doll." He said, making her pull his ear

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" He yelled

"I swear I'll rip out your fucking ear! I was just daydreaming-"

"About Ren?!" He cut her off

"Fuck no! What are you saying?!" Araya yelled as Thyme continued to whine

"I swear I'll-"

"Guys." A voice interrupted their little fight

They looked to their side, revealing Thyme's whole gang. All three of the members were there; Ren, Kavin and MJ.

Araya was stunned, they have been there the whole time?!

This is so embarrassing..

At school, she found out Thyme was still messing with Gorya. Seems likes hes gonna continue until Gorya quits school. But Araya knew her more than anyone, she knew she was strong and brave enough to stay in Kocher High still. But still, she wasn't gonna let her best friend endure all this on her own. Students wouldn't even dare to mess with Araya, right? She is Thyme's twin sister.

Araya decided to skip 1st period because she felt like it, not sure where this came from but she just felt like doing so.

When she got to the rooftop, she spotted Angelica and her minions.

A/N: Guys yk those three girls that are rlly against Gorya, Idk her name so I came up with onee

"How did Gorya end up hanging out with Ren? They look pretty close." Angelica said as the three glared at Gorya

Blooming Hearts/F4 That Was Once F5 | F4 Thailand (Ren x oc)Where stories live. Discover now