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Araya was in her bedroom, talking to her older sister, Tia over video call.

"I'm really nervous for Thyme's so-called 'surprise'. I know he is up to no good and it's stressing me out." She said, running a hand through her hair

"Maybe he's actually just being a good older brother-"

Araya cut her off "Twin brother." She corrected

Tia chuckled "Okay, sorry anyway, since you two haven't really been talking a lot these past few months, maybe he's just tryna get you to talk to him. I don't know but I have this gut feeling that he just wanted to go back to how the two of you were." Tia said as Araya let out a sigh

"I don't know, it's annoying." She huffed

"Hey, if I have a good feeling about something, then that something will be good. It's happened multiple times." She joked, making the younger one chuckle

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Araya rolled her eyes playfully.

"I have to go for now, sista. Thanks." She said, smiling as Tia nodded before ending the call.

Araya let out a sigh and threw her phone in bed, closing her eyes, clearly exhausted.

The next day, she arrived at school and saw Gorya, standing like she had nothing to do.

Huh, normally she'd just be in our classroom, either studying or doing homework.

She frowned, confused and began walking towards her when water was spilled on Gorya from above, along with a blue towel thrown at her.

I frowned even more and looked up to see those Angelica and her friends, laughing.

"Oops! I didn't mean to!" Angelica said, sarcastically and laughed, along with her friends.

"Poor her."

"I can smell something, not sure if its the musty water or rotten social pariah." Angelica laughed

"Must be the latter!"

The 3 girls laughed "Stop talking unless you want everyone to notice that disgusting smell." Araya raised her voice, glaring at the trio

She grabbed the wet, blue towel from Gorya and went up the stairs then approached the girls that were on the second floor.

"Maybe you'd need this to wipe your filthy mouths." She said, throwing the towel to Aneglica as she scoffed

She glared at them as they were about to shout but closed their mouth which caused Araya to chuckle "keep your mouths shut from now on, no one wants to hear those loud, quirky voices of yours." She said before walking away.

She went back downstairs to go to Gorya but it seemed like she ran away.

She sighed as she began searching for her, she went to the Kocher stadium but it was empty. The exhausted girl checked the cafeteria, bathroom, classroom, everywhere but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Gorya!" She called out to her but remembered one last place.

The rooftop

She smiled in satisfaction and ran there. She ran up the stairs but accidentally tripped and fell.

Araya groaned as she was about to get up when she looked up and saw a hand holding out in front of her.

She was surprised. It was Ren, holding his hand out to her. She scoffed and pushed his hand away, getting up from the ground.

She tried to walk pass Ren but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to where she was.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he looked down on her knee

Blooming Hearts/F4 That Was Once F5 | F4 Thailand (Ren x oc)Where stories live. Discover now