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Gorya, Hana and Araya agreed to sneak out of school to eat lunch together.

Hana closed her phone and opened her locker. To her horror, the red card with the letter 'F' in different fonts appeared, hanging on top of her locker.

She stared at it, horrified before looking around.

Messages flooded to school's gc as they start to surround Hana.

Before she knew it, she found herself getting dragged to the stadium. She was pushed into the muddy, dirty water as the same bullies started to throw trash at her and pull her hair

All the students who showed up at the stadium began to cheer and clap as the male bullies continue to treat her like some toy.

A few minutes later, Araya arrived. Apparently, Thyme had told her to go to the stadium for another surprise. Turns out, his 'surprise' was just another one of her friends being bullied.

Araya walked towards them and stopped next to MJ who was surprised to see her sudden entrance but didn't say anything about it and turned his head back to the front.

Suddenly, she sees one of the bullies toss a shaver to another one of them.

Araya let out a silent gasp and walked towards them

"Put that down." She said, coldness filling her tone causing goosebumps run down everyone's spine at her tone

When the bully who was holding the shaver just smirked, she was about to march towards them when MJ quickly came by her side and stopped her since he knew how aggressive Araya is.

Just in time, Gorya had arrived.

"No!" She yelled and ran to Hana as she began to try and console her.

"Why are you doing this? Hana has nothing to do with it! Your enemy is me, you take it out on me!" She yelled at Thyme

"Hey! Bestfriends have each other's back, let's give it to them!" One of the bullies said as students began to cheer and throw crumpled paper at them which caused Hana to cry harder

"Hey, stop it! All of you!" Araya tried to yell but they all ignored her

Suddenly, Thyme yelled "Enough!"

His twin watched him grab the shaver from the bully and push him to the water, for a second there, she thought Thyme was finally gonna do the right thing.

But then again, Thyme loves to confuse everyone.

"I will let your friend go if you shave your own hair." He said as he shoved the shaver into Gorya's hands

"Thyme!" Araya yelled but he just ignored her

She watched as Gorya turned the shaver on and slowly brought it up to her head. Araya stared in horror, she couldn't believe her brother.

"You got your answer wrong yesterday!" They all heard a voice yell. It was Ren again

He walked down the stairs and approached them, looking at Gorya "It's 9 pm." He said, making Araya confused. What is he talking about?

"Huh?" Ren walked towards her

"They adjusted the time, France and Thailand are only 5 hours apart this month, I'm almost late because of you." Ren continued

"I'm.. sorry." Gorya apologized

"Araya, go ahead." Thyme said as he dragged her out.

"What the? Why?"

"Mother said you have to start hanging out with me again." He lied as he walked out, ignoring Araya's complains.

Thyme actually knew Araya liked Ren for a while, she was just denying it. He could tell by her stares that she was jealous and hurt, especially knowing the fact Ren is already pursuing Mira. That's why he lied, it's to stop her from watching the scene play out in front of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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