⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ 15 ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

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┌─・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚. ─┐

"Where are you going?" Jisung heard Felix ask him as he was about to walk out of the door to go meet Minho's cats.

"Hang out with Minho," Jisung explained with a smile and walked back over to Felix, giving him a quick hug.

Felix, however, kissed him before he could move away.

"Oh," Jisung said as he moved away.

"What? It's not like we haven't kissed before, we've done a lot worse," Felix defended himself which was true but it wasn't normal for them to kiss like that. At least not without having plans to do anything more than that after.

"Yeah but...just- don't do it so casually, okay?" Jisung asked with a small smile. He could tell what Felix was doing. They had been friends for what felt like forever, he knew how Felix acted when he liked someone, he knew Felix was trying to get him to feel the same way.

He figured the best way to deal with the situation was to ignore that it was happening since their first conversation had already been awkward enough.

"Sorry," Felix poured, "are you doing anything after?"

"I'll probably go to a bar tonight. I haven't gone in a while."

"Or you could just come back here? We can have sex," he offered though he knew that it shouldn't be something to offer someone like that, even if it is Jisung.

"Maybe I'll take you up on that offer tomorrow," Jisung teased and made his way towards the door again. "I'll see you later."

"Have fun," Felix said before he shut the door, though he knew he didn't mean it.


Minho heard a small knock on his door and assumed it was Jisung even though the younger was nearly twenty minutes late. He knew he sent him the address since he double-checked about 50 times within those twenty minutes.

"Hi!" Minho said as he allowed the younger inside. "I like your hair a lot, blonde looks good on you."

"It would look good on you too," Jisung commented, giving Minho a quick hug.

"Did you have trouble finding my apartment?"

"No, I was just running a little bit late. I had to get dressed then Felix stopped and talked to me right before I left," Jisung explained. "I'm sorry baby I should have texted you."

Minho had gotten pretty used to the nickname over text, he never really thought about it much but hearing him say it in real life made him go into complete panic mode.

"It's okay," he mumbled and started walking towards his room where all of his cats were.

Jisung of course, loosley grabbed his hand and followed behind him. Minho didn't let go and pulled Jisung to sit on the floor with him where one of the orange/ white cats immediately sat on Minho's lap.

"What's his name?" Jisung asked, holding his free hand up to let the cat smell it before scratching behind his ear.

"This one is Doongie."

"The one you posted most recently?" Jisung asked and Minho hated how happy it made him that Jisung had not only remembered but also looked at some of the other comments.

He knew he had been reading Jisung's comments... especially Felix's on his posts.

"Yeah, that's Soonie," he pointed at the other orange and white cat, "and the last one is Dori."

"They're cute...how old are they? When did you get them all?" Most people ended up regretting asking Minho anything about his cats, or would eventually end up changing the subject to get him to stop.

Jisung listened, enjoying the sound of Minho's voice as Minho rambled on about every small detail about each of them, loving how Jisung would nod, make comments, and ask him more questions about him. Eventually, Dori came and curled up in Jisung's lap, falling asleep at some point during their conversation.

"He never comes up to new people like that," Minho commented a while later and gently petted the cat that was asleep in Jisung's lap.

"He approves of me," Jisung said with a small nod.

"Sorry, that was probably annoying."

"It wasn't, it was cute, but my legs are kind of starting to fall asleep."

"Sorry, I don't know why I didn't just let you sit on the bed," Minho said, carefully moving the cat back to the cat tower it was previously on and patting the spot on his bed next to him so Jisung could get off of the floor.

"It's okay," Jisung reassured, quickly checking his phone before putting it back in his pocket. Minho managed to see a lot in those few seconds though. A picture of Jisung and Felix was the younger screensaver and Minho most definitely wasn't the only person that Jisung texted.

Besides a few texts from Felix, Jisung had messages from about 5 other accounts, none of which seemed to be familiar to Minho, so it wasn't any of his friends.

"How did you and Felix meet?" Minho asked.

"I told you that we met in middle school, right? We met in class and stayed super close."

"Hooking up doesn't...make your friendship weird?"

"I wouldn't necessarily say that," Jisung frowned. " Why are you asking stuff like that? Do you wanna hook up with me?" Jisung asked, taking the opportunity to change the subject as he moved closer, putting his hand on the back of Minho's neck, and glancing up at him.

"That's not what I meant," Minho said, not moving an inch as his stomach went crazy, trying his hardest not to look down at Jisung's lips. It would help if the younger wasn't so pretty.

"Are you trying to hook up with one of your other friends?" Jisung asked as he moved away with a pout.

"No," Minho laughed, "I was just wondering if things were weird between you guys."

"Not really," Jisung lied.

They talked for a while longer until Jisung decided that he should leave before it got too late to go to any bar.

"Message me when you get home?" Minho asked.

"I'm not going home yet but I'll let you know when I do."

"It's late, where are you going?"

"To a bar."

"Oh...good luck trying to find the guy you thought was me," Minho said even though he did not mean it at all.

"Thanks, but I'm happy he gave me the wrong username."

"I am too...bye Jisung."

└─・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚. ─┘

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