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┌─・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚. ─┐

Luckily Minho only found one new bar that Jisung could possibly be at...unless he took an hour long car ride which he highly doubted.

Minho went to a bar twice in his life, once on his nineteenth birthday with his friends, once after he and Hyunjin broke up and never went again. He would drink alcohol occasionally but he didn't like bars at all, he preferred being somewhere more quiet and safe.

Which is why it was weird for him to be interested in someone like Jisung. Jisung was pretty much the opposite of himself and he was never one to believe in "opposites attract."

But something about Jisung was just so captivating. Yeah, he did go out and sleep with random people but he was also sweet, he listened to Minho no matter how stupid the topic he would talk about...plus he was extremely pretty.

He felt some people look him up and down as soon as he walked into the bar, it made him feel gross, part of the reason why he hated bars so much. People were pretty much waiting by the doors waiting for someone attractive enough for them to sleep with to walk in.

He wondered if Jisung did it, but then again, Jisung probably got approached by someone immedietly.

He looked everywhere but he didn't see the younger anywhere.

It didn't help that he was looking for blonde hair when Jisung had just dyed it brown again without saying a word to anyone about it but he did eventually find him.

He was pushed up against a wall with a stranger's tongue down his throat and hand finding its way into his pants but he did find Jisung.

"Hey, let's go," Minho said, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the man he was with.

"Wanna join us?" The man asked with a smirk.

"No, both of us are getting away from you," Minho said, getting out of the bar as quickly as possible now that he had what he had went there for.

"Jisung," Minho said, stopping once they were outside as he looked at him with a sigh. Even when he was drunk, he still managed to look perfect, his hair was styled, his face had light makeup.

Jisung narrowed his eyes as if he were trying to figure out who he was looking at until it seemed to finally click.

"What are you doing here baby boy?" Jisung asked, wrapping his arms around Minho's neck. "Were you jealous?"

"More so worried," Minho replied, smelling the alcohol from Jisung's breath and seeing how his eyes kept wondering.

"Can I go back now? I'm fine and that guy seemed nice...and hot. I need someone to fuck me."

"No, we're going back to my house," Minho replied, grabbing Jisung's hand and started walking.

"Are you gonna fuck me?"

"No, I'm gonna make you go to sleep since you are drunk and not in a good mental state."

"So if i wasn't those things you would fuck me?"

"I didn't say that," Minho replied.

"You didn't not say it. Minho can I please just go back?" Jisung asked, letting go of Minho's hand and looking at him with a pout.

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