⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ 25 ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

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┌─・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚. ─┐

Despite the fact that Jisung didn't date people, he could still admit when he found someone attractive and Minho, was definitely attractive.

He had no idea that Minho had taken way longer to get ready than usual, he would still think he was just as pretty even if he didn't.

Jisung found himself feeling nervous, which for him, was a foreign feeling. He wasn't used to feeling his cheeks heat up, his heart beat unsteadily, his hands become clammy. He didn't know what was making him feel that way, he assumed that maybe it was something he ate and simply tried to brush it off.

"Hi," Minho smiled once he spotted Jisung. "You look pretty."

Which Jisung always did no matter what occasion. Minho had yet to see him without makeup on, with messy hair, with some comfortable clothing. Jisung cared a lot about how he presented himself...maybe a little too much.

"You too," Minho replied, gently grabbing his hand as they were guided to the table.

Jisung would hold hands with people, just not ever really for an extensive amount of time. The time at the cafe was an accepting due to the fact that he was flirting but usually, it was just something he would do for a minute then let go. Especially for Felix, he simply just liked getting a reaction from it.

So of course he noticed that Minho hadn't let go yet. Their hands were on top of the tables, loosely intertwined.

Jisung starred at their hands, wondering if Minho cared or noticed that his was sweaty, he knew he should move his away but part of him didn't want to, even if it made him nervous, something about it felt safe.

He hadn't even begun to take in his surroundings.The restaurant was dimly lit, fairy lights and plants along the walls, it had a rather romantic vibe and it didn't take long for him to realize all of the couples sat around them.

But there was no way Minho would purposely plan something like that. It was just a restaurant the older wanted to try and Jisung was his friend, so he was invited.

"Isn't it cute?" Minho asked, trying to get Jisung's attention since the younger was very obviously spacing out.

"Yeah, you are," Jisung said but really, all he heard was the word cute and he panicked.

"I meant the restaurant," Minho said with a laugh and smiled even more when he noticed Jisung's cheeks and ears turn red. "But thank you for the compliment."

"Oh- yeah the restaurant is really cute," Jisung said as he finally took a good look around. "Thank you for inviting me."

"Of course."

"We should hang out all together one day. Like us and all of our friends. Hyunjin seems really nice and I want to meet him. Felix has also been very adamant about meeting you."

"You talk about me?"

"And post you," Jisung pointed out.

"Why does Felix want to meet me? We haven't even talked to each other."

"I think it's more so just him being clingy...he wanted to come tonight but I told him that maybe we can all hang out together next time. Besides, you guys are both my friends...why not?"

"Yeah, that would be fine. Too bad Hyunjin's dating Jeongin or else we could just go on a double date," Minho said without thinking, "...type thing."

"Hm...so if we did go on a double date, my friend with benefits would be partnered up with your ex and I would be partnered up with you?" Jisung asked, finally starting to get a little bit of his confidence back.

"I just meant like- because you said Felix has feelings for you and that is probably pretty awkward so um-"

"Minho," Jisung cut the older off, squeezing his hand gently, and looking at Minho with a small smirk on his face.


"Do you have a crush on me?"

"What? No- I just-" he was cut off by Jisung's laughter.

"I'm just messing with you baby. I know you're just trying to help. I think it's going okay though, things have been less awkward."

"That's good...maybe not Hyunjin but I do have another friend that might be interested."

Jisung thought about it, as much as he loved having Felix there whenever he needed him, he did know that he was hurting Felix.

"Can you send me his number later?"

"Yeah, I will," Minho replied with a small smile.

The two continued talking and slowly ate their food. It seemed as though neither of them wanted to leave but of course, they had to eventually leave when the restaurant closed.

"This was a lot of fun," Jisung said as they walked outside together.

"See? If it weren't for your rule, that could have been a date. Dating is fun."

"It was fun because we were hanging out as friends," Jisung shook his head as Minho gently grabbed his hand again.

"Are you sure?" Minho asked, stopping Jisung from walking to get the younger to look at him.

"Yeah..." Jisung trailed off, glancing up at Minho.

"Really? Because if this were a date," Minho tilted Jisung's head up and inched towards his lips. "I could give you a goodbye kiss right now."

"Nothings stopping you from doing it anyway."

Minho knew he shouldn't. He shouldn't lean in closer and press his lips against the pretty boys in front of him, the boy who "didn't date," slept around with people, and had a friend with benefits. He knew it was a bad idea but his body moved impulsively.

And all of his doubts melted away once he finally did kiss Jisung. It almost clouded his mind once it was actually happening.

Eventually he moved away and Hyunjin's plan definitely wasn't working as far as he could tell. Kissing Jisung didn't help him at all and it didn't really seem to faze Jisung.

"I'll see you soon," Jisung said with a small smile and walked away before Minho could even begin to say anything else.

└─・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚. ─┘

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