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bigfoothee in paris with this idiot <33 @realjaeyun_sim

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hooniverse PARIS?????

< bigfoothee hooniverse yes..?

 hooniverse bigfoothee the city of love 👀😘

 < bigfoothee hooniverse stfu

realjaeyun_sim i'm your idiot tho so it's okay ❤️

< bigfoothee realjaeyun_sim you're just an idiot in general 

 < realjaeyun_sim bigfoothee mean

sunnkim why didn't i know we were going to paris

< bigfoothee sunnkim bc there was never a "we" that included you\

 < sunnkim bigfoothee ok fuck you?

jjong_saeng do it

< bigfoothee jjong_saeng fuck off


heeseung stares at jake as he stands in front of the camera, his bright smile unwavering as he talks in a low voice to what heeseung assumes are his fans. jake's features are soft but striking, his dark hair styled neatly, and his skin glowing despite the dim lighting. he wears a black leather jacket, unzipped to reveal a tight white t-shirt, black jeans, and a pair of boots that look like they could survive any terrain. he looks confident, charismatic, and untouchable.

"he looks beautiful, doesn't he?" A soft voice interrupts heeseung's thoughts. startled, he glances over his shoulder to see another young man standing behind him, his eyes fixed on jake. he's shorter than heeseung, with long, blonde hair that falls over his face and piercing honey eyes. he's dressed in a casual outfit of black jeans, a gray hoodie, and a pair of worn-in converse. his gaze is intense, almost predatory, as he watches Jake.

heeseung turns back to face jake, unable to take his eyes off of him. "he does," he agrees, his voice barely audible over the sound of the music playing in the background. the blonde man, who he now realizes is probably another model, chuckles softly. "you're smitten, huh?" he teases, moving to stand beside heeseung.

"i guess i am," heeseung admits with a small smile, noticing how easily the other man's presence puts him at ease. jake glances over his shoulder, his lips curving into a grin, and for a moment, Heeseung thinks he's looking at him. but then jake's gaze drifts back to whatever he's filming for his channel. "he's...different. in a good way," he adds, still watching jake with a mixture of awe and curiosity.

"I've never seen you around," the guy beside heeseung says, his voice low and smooth, "are you new here?" he glances at heeseung out of the corner of his eye, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"oh, no, i'm not a model. i'm a friend of jake's. my name's heeseung." he hesitates for a moment, then sticks his hand out. the other man laughs, a warm and genuine sound that makes heeseung feel instantly at ease.

"well, heeseung, i'm felix." he takes heeseung's hand into his own, shaking once before he let's go. "i'm a model, and a friend of jake's too. we've known each other for a while now. it's nice to meet you." he glances over at jake, who's now turned around to face the camera, before looking back at heeseung. "you know, i've always thought jake was...different. but i like that about him. he's not like the other models. he's got a spark that just draws people in."

"yeah, i always thought that too." heeseung nods, glancing back at jake as he talks. "he's got this...air about him. it's like he's not even trying, but everyone just sort of...falls under his spell. it's really something special."

"you would know all about falling under his spell, wouldn't you?" felix says, a teasing glint in his eye. heeseung feels his cheeks flush slightly, and it makes felix laugh again. "it's true, though. jake has this way of making everyone feel special, even when he's just being himself. it's really amazing."

"felix, hey!" jake calls out after he waves goodbye to the camera. he must be done with his filming. heeseung gives him a soft smile, feeling a flutter in his chest as jake walks over. "hey, it's good to see you."

"it's good to see you too, jake," felix replies, giving him a warm hug. "i didn't know you were going to be in paris for the show? me and jin missed you a lot!"

"yeah, well, you know how it is," jake says with a shrug. "i was busy with trying to make the show, you know. and i finally did!" he looks over at heeseung and then back at felix. "i see you two have met."

"yeah, we just met," heeseung says, his voice slightly higher than usual.

"well, heeseung here is jake's...partner, i think?" felix clarifies with a wink. "or maybe his plus-one? i don't know the proper term."

"oh, really? i didn't know that," jake says, raising his eyebrows with a smirk. "heeseungie hyung is... my plus one!" he giggles as he latches on heeseung's arm, squeezing it affectionately.

heeseung splutters. "i thought i was just here for moral support?"

jake laughs, tilting his head. "maybe you are, but... i think i wanted to share this with someone special. and that someone special just so happens to be you, heeseungie hyung." he winks, and this time when he squeezes heeseung's arm, it feels less like a friendly gesture and more like a claiming one.

felix chuckles, shaking his head. "you two are cute. when's the wedding?"

heeseung laughs, turning his face away from jake's touch. "i don't know, maybe next season?" jake grins, unperturbed. "that's right, next season. i'll be sure to make you a best man felix hyung!"

"oh, i'd be honored, jake," felix says, his voice slightly teasing.

jake grins. "i'll let you go then, hyung. it was nice seeing you!"

"yeah, you too, jake! good luck with everything!" felix waves as he walks away, his smile bright. he disappears through an open door at the back of the studio and heeseung hears jake sigh.

he turns to look down at jake, feeling the warmth from his touch spread through his body. "what did he mean by me being your plus-one?"

jake brightens up instantly, his smile widening as he looks into heeseung's eyes. "well, there's always an after party after the last show to end off the season. and since you're here, you're my plus-one."

heeseung nods, understanding. "ah, okay, i get it now. so you're taking me to the after party, huh?" he asks, a shy smile on his lips.

"of course, silly hyung!" jake says, beaming. "i wouldn't want to go anywhere with anyone else. the after party is going to be so much fun. you're going to love it! i can introduce you to all my friends, we can dance, drink... it's going to be a blast!"

heeseung chuckles, patting his head. "calm down, jakey. why don't you tell me what you were filming earlier?"

jake beams, tugging on heeseung's arm as he leads him back to the camera. "okay so, i was..."



if you asked me what direction this story was taking, i wouldn't even be able to tell you. what i can tell you is a spoiler for the upcoming chapters, if you ask nicely ;)

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