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realjaeyun_sim we match now <33 @bigfoothee

view all 6,423 comments

bigfoothee he forcefully made me do this btw

< realjaeyun_sim bigfoothee liar

hooniverse diabolical

< realjaeyun_sim hooniverse ??

 < hooniverse realjaeyun_sim no one should ever look that attractive with blonde hair.

sunnkim oh.. that's cute

< realjaeyun_sim sunnkim thank you cutie <33

riikimura ugly.

< bigfoothee riikimura you're uglier than all

 < riikimura bigfoothee you wish

jjong_saeng cool, cool.


"one day riki is going to learn to stop fucking with me," heeseung grumbles, throwing his phone to the side and turning to look at jake with a pout. "what's his problem with me anyway?"

jake shrugs, shifting onto his hands and knees and crawling into heeseung's lap. "he's a kid, hyung. he's probably just bored and looking for attention. riki is like that with everyone, y'know? he doesn't mean it."

heeseung sighs, stroking jake's hair. "i guess you're right. but it's annoying. i'm trying to be nice here and he keeps messing with me." jake nuzzles closer, a comforting presence. he nips at heeseung's jaw, nosing his way to his ear to whisper sweet nothings.

"maybe you should ignore him, then," jake suggests, his voice low and soothing. "you know how much he hates being ignored. it'll drive him crazy."

heeseung chuckles despite his frustration, feeling the warmth of jake's breath tickle his ear. "yeah, i do. but i'm not that petty."

"you're not?" jake pulls back to look at him with a smirk, his eyebrows raised. "i've seen you ignore people before. you're like, a pro at it."

"i'm not going to ignore a kid, jaeyun. that's just mean," heeseung says with a firm shake of his head.

"mm, shut up already. i love to hear you talk but sometimes i wish you'd take the hint and kiss me," jake murmurs, pressing his lips to heeseung's cheek and leaving a trail of warmth that sends shivers down the latter's spine.

"are you ever not turned on?" heeseung teases, pushing jake's face away gently.

jake scoffs. "how can i not be when my boyfriend is so generous and good-looking? come on, hyung. give me some sugar."

heeseung rolls his eyes but can't help the smile that tugs at his lips. he leans in, capturing jake's mouth in a gentle kiss, feeling the younger boy melt into him. 

"mm, that's better," jake hums contentedly against heeseung's lips, his arms looping around the older boy's neck. heeseung chuckles, his hands resting on jake's waist as they kiss, massaging circles into the soft skin. the room is bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, casting a gentle light over their tangled limbs and messy bed.

they break apart, both panting slightly. jake's cheeks are flushed, his eyes glazed over with affection. "you know what else is annoying?" he asks, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

heeseung raises an eyebrow. "what's that?"

"the fact that we can't just ignore the world outside this room," jake says, his smirk turning into a pout. "it's always drama with my modeling, and your job at the cafe. i wish we could just live in here forever."

heeseung laughs, a low, warm sound that fills the room. "you and your dramatics. but you love the outside world when you're strutting down the runway, darling."

"yeah, but the paparazzi, the critics, the competition... it's exhausting sometimes," jake admits, leaning his forehead against heeseung's. "i just want to come home to you and forget about it all."

heeseung nods, his thumb tracing the line of jake's jaw. "i know, baby. but you're amazing at what you do. you're the best at it."

jake sighs, his eyes fluttering closed as he leans into the touch. "you always know what to say to make me feel better."

"it's 'cause i love you," heeseung murmurs, planting a soft kiss on jake's forehead. jake sighs, his arms tightening around heeseung's neck.

"you know i love you too, right?" jake whispers, his eyes still closed.

"of course i do," heeseung replies, kissing jake's eyelids. "at the end of everyday for the rest of our lives, i'll be here waiting for you."

jake's grip on heeseung's neck tightens for a brief moment before he pulls away with another sigh. "but what if something happens?" he says, his voice small and vulnerable. "what if we get too busy, or someone says something bad about us, or..."

heeseung cups jake's face in his hands, looking into his eyes with a serious expression. "then we deal with it together, okay? i'm not going anywhere. you're stuck with me."

jake's pout turns into a small smile, his eyes sparkling. "promise?"

"i promise," heeseung says, his voice firm and sincere. 



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