Queen of the Maroons

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Tails and Cosmo were sitting on the couch thinking about what Mishipeshu said.

Tails crossed his arms in deep thought thinking that the road ahead was not going to be easy.

Tails:" Hmm...i have a bad feeling in my gut. What is that great evil Mishipeshu was talking about."

Cosmo:" I wonder how powerful Amagi is going to be  and what powers she is going to develop"

Tails sighed and laid back on the couch.

Tails:" I have been wondering the same thing."

Cosmo leaned back and looked up to the ceiling.

Cosmo:" I remember that Dark Oak , said something about animals and plants can not coexist. However, what does that make her? Does Amagi's existence prove him wrong?"

Tails:" She has special abilities and we only have touched the tip of the iceberg. If Mishipeshu saw something in her we will just have to find out what that is."

Amagi walked out her room looking still sleepy and she rubbed her left eye.

Tails:" Hey , there sleepy head."

Amagi smiled and waved her hand.

Amagi :" Hi, Papa and mama."

Cosmo :" Hello, Amagi,"

Cosmo picked her up and gave Amagi a hug.

Cosmo :" I am going to grab some food. You want to join me."

Amagi nodded excited

Amagi:" Yes!"

Tails:' stay safe , you two ."

Cosmo with Amagi got out the house and walked over  to a nearby rural village that was in the forest.

She was looking around the village when she found a garden where there were many veggies and fruits in many rows.

Cosmo:"Wow , this is a beautiful garden."

Amagi walked around the garden looking until she saw a big pumpkin and touched it.

???:" Excuse me, what are y'all doing"

Cosmo heard an elderly voice and she turned around to see where it was coming from.

She saw an old Alkebulan woman in an interesting dress and her accent was very unique.

Cosmo:"Sorry ,my sister was very interested in your garden. it is very well kept and taken care of."

The woman smiled and laughed.

???:" It's all right , you are not from around here , are ya ? "

Cosmo:" Yes, my name is Cosmo and this is Amagi."

Amagi:" Hello, miss"

The woman patted Amagi on the head taking a liking to the little one.

????:" Hello sweetie  , the name is Nanny. But people called me Granny Nanny, I live alone but I worked with herbs to make medicine. Since there are no hospitals around here for miles.I also like to sell fruits and veggies to the people in town"

Cosmo:" Oh! That is what we come here for."

Granny Nanny:" Well, alright . let me get my wallet inside."

Nanny walked inside her house while Cosmo and Amagi where out in the garden picking out produce

then Cosmo waited outside while Amagi was wandering around the garden

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