Welcome to New York

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"Everybody here was someone else before, and you can want who you want..."


The Great Hall was buzzing with excitement and nerves, the word "dementor" being thrown around nervously, the rumour mill circulating, even after the first years had been sorted into their houses. Y/N sat with her friends Teddy Preece and Laura Zeller. The trio had been close since first year after having met on their first train journey to the school, then being sorted into Hufflepuff together. Laura had only just sat back down following on from singing with Professor Flitwick's choir. She was a great singer, and was constantly praised by everyone who heard her. Teddy on the other hand, was better at art, and preferred a quieter existence, with as little attention as he could get. He was the shyest of the three of them, always stuck in his own world of ideas for drawings. He had grown up with muggle parents, and his father was an artist, so he knew what he was doing. One of Y/N's favourite belongings was a drawing he had done for her in their fifth year of the three of them. 

Dumbledore stood, silencing the hall immediately, his presence impressive and mighty despite the vastness of the hall. He began his welcome speech by introducing a new professor before the feast.

"I'm pleased to welcome Professor R. J. Lupin, who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, professor." As he spoke the last three words, he moved to gesture towards the table where all of the staff sat. Y/N's eyes followed his arm's direction to next to Professor Snape, who looked like he was trying to keep down vomit, though he never looked particularly happy. Y/N let out a soft gasp while clapping politely as she saw a familiar face- the man from the train who had seemed so hard to believe that she had successfully removed the dementor. She looked towards the Gryffindor table, where Fred and George were staring at her, shocked and amused at the same time. Teddy looked round at her, confused. 

"You know him?" He asked gently, seeing the recognition in his friends eyes, as the new professor stood and awkwardly bowed.

"I'll tell you later" she murmured back, not wanting to draw attention to herself as Dumbledore continued to talk. She wasn't fully listening though, as she stared at the new professor. She watched him, trying to take him in. She moved her eyes from his hair to the scars across his face. She followed them with her eyes, deep in thought wondering how he got them when she reached his eyes. As she realised they were looking back at her, a small smirk accompanying his features, she dropped her eyes to her hands that fidgeted in her lap, a deep flush filling her cheeks. As she sat there mortified, she processed that he was the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. She was taking Defence Against the Dark Arts. He was to be her teacher. And he had just caught her staring at him. She braved a subtle look back up, and saw that his gaze had returned to Dumbledore, and he was clapping along with everyone else, and as Hagrid, the gamekeeper, sat back down with a thud that shook the whole head table, she knew it was something to do with him. She made a mental note to ask Teddy and Laura later. 

She tried to pay attention again but she was too easily distracted, as hissing from across the hall caught her attention. It was Draco Malfoy, a third year Slytherin student, and his cronies talking to Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley on the Gryffindor table. She rolled her eyes and shook her head, returning her attention once more to the headmaster. Malfoy had an issue with the Gryffindor trio and had done since first year, according to the Weasley twins. Harry he hated because of something to do with houses and rejected friendships, Ron he hated because his family were quite poor, a stark contrast to the way Malfoy was raised, and Hermione he hated just because she was muggle born. Y/N despised the platinum blonde boy and his values, his beliefs sickened her. 

Illicit Affairs: Remus Lupin x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now