The Prophecy

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"I got cursed like Eve got bitten..."


Y/N was sat at the desk when one by one her other professors entered- McGonagall, Flitwick and Snape, all of them avoiding her eyes. Remus had taken over from Dumbledore's pacing, antsy to know what was going on.

"Now that everyone has arrived, we can begin. Please, take a seat if you wish." 

Everyone was sat apart from him, Y/N listening to his feet pace back and forth by the door. She didn't dare to turn and face him, terrified as to what he would look like if she did.

"Now, Miss Formby, we have been... discussing the ongoing events around you. I hope you realise how impressed everyone is. You should be very proud of yourself- your talents and power, as I said, are truly incredible. However, with this in mind, there is something I have decided it's time to tell you."

Y/N looked around the faces of three of her teachers, each one looking grimly at the floor, knowing what the headmaster knew. She heard as Remus finally stopped his movements, walking to stand behind her chair, one hand on the top of the backboard.

"Miss Formby, it is time you knew about something that has been guiding your life for a long time now. There is... a prophecy."

"A prophecy?" Remus breathed behind her, the fear spiked in his voice, apparent to all those in the room.

"Yes, Remus. A prophecy that dictates part of your nearing future, Miss Formby. While it cannot truly be confirmed to be about you, the chances of it being anyone else are... slim, at best." He stood up, gesturing for her to follow.

Remus' eyes stayed on her, as the pensieve was released. Dumbledore selected a jar, in which a soft glowing substance bounced around, disobeying all laws of physics. He slowly tipped it into the glowing water, looking back to Y/N. 

"If you would? You just need to put your head in. Hold your breath if it makes you more comfortable." He added the instruction on the end, seeing her confusion.

Y/N looked at him, forcing herself to trust him. She took a deep breath in like he suggested and slowly placed her head inside.

She was falling, so fast. It was like the quidditch match all over again, until she fell into a seat, uninjured. She looked to her left, surprisingly still in control of her breath as though she had been sat there the whole time, where she saw Dumbledore. Opposite him sat Professor Trelawny, though neither of them addressed her sudden appearance. 

"Professor, I-"

She was cut off by a hand shooting through her arm.

"Albus! I am off for the quidditch match, will I see you there?" A wizard Y/N did not recognise shook her headmaster's hand. The whole experience reminded her of walking through a ghost, and she quickly realised she was not truly here and it was the past. A memory, perhaps?

She continued watching as Dumbledore replied. "Ah, Finneas. No I am afraid I will not be there. I have company, you see." He gestured towards Trelawny, who looked ten or so years younger than Y/N had ever seen her. 

"Ah, shame. See you around then!" The random wizard hurried off, out of the doors of the pub that Y/N did not recognise from Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley. Where were they?

"Sybil, I must ask. Are you feeling alright? It is unlike you to request a meeting."

"I was supposed to, we were supposed to meet." Her eyes darted around, though the pub was practically empty and Y/N couldn't stop herself from also looking around, the divination professor unnerving her.

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