Chapter 9

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"We may not have rival Clans on our borders, but there are always enemies out there!" Clovertail announced as he beckoned his patrol with his tail. "We have to make sure the border markings are good and fresh."

Poppystar watched as Leafdapple and Cobaltclaw padded up to join the pale brown warrior at the foot of the Rockpile. Their apprentices bounced eagerly behind them. It was the day after Cherrytail's training exercises, and the Clan leader was pleased to see her Clanmates so enthusiastic about regular tasks.

"I've never reset the markers before," Frecklepaw meowed. "This is really exciting!"

Snookpaw lashed her tail and fluffed up her neck fur. "Those foxes and rogue cats had better watch out! We'll see off anything that tries to set paw on Skyclan territory."

Amusement prickled Poppystar's pelt and she let out a soft purr of pride. I hope those apprentices decide to stay with the Clan. They'll make fine warriors.

She noticed Stumpy and Cory standing a few tail-lengths away, sharing bemused glances at the talk of border markers. "Would you like to join the patrol?" Poppystar invited. "If there's trouble, we could do with a few more paws."

Stumpy hesitated, then gave a restrained nod; Cory kneaded the ground with his front paws, his eyes gleaming. "Let's go!" he mewed.

Poppystar padded up to Clovertail with the Twolegplace cats following. "Okay if we join you?"

Surprise flickered in Clovertail's eyes as he dipped his head. "Of course, Poppystar."

He led the way up the trail, winding back and forth across the face of the cliff. Poppystar enjoyed the feeling of the breeze blowing through her pelt and the warmth of the stone under her pads. It's good to be out of the camp. I haven't patrolled the borders for ages.

When the patrol reached the top of the cliff, Cory pushed forward until he could squeeze between Clovertail and Poppystar as they weaved through the undergrowth. "What do you do if you meet a fox?" he puffed. "How can you practice fighting one?"

Poppystar flicked her ears to Clovertail, indicating that he should answer.

"We practice the usual battle moves," the pale brown warrior meowed. "They work on anything... foxes, other cats—"

"Badgers!" Snookpaw put in, waving her tail wildly.

"If you spot a badger, you tell a senior warrior right away," Leafdapple warned her, flicking his tail sharply over his apprentice's ear. "Do not try fighting one on your own."

Poppystar nodded. "Even senior warriors wouldn't tackle a badger without plenty of backup," she meowed. "And you'd have to be pretty stupid to attack a fox alone. That's why we train apprentices to fight as a team."

"We'd like to learn that," Cory commented, glancing over his shoulder at the other Twolegplace cat. "Wouldn't we, Stumpy?"

The brown tabby she-cat twitched her whiskers. "It would be useful."

"And what would you do if you found a strange scent on the border?" Cory went on eagerly.

"The first job would be to protect the camp—" Poppystar began.

"We'd follow the scent and track down the intruder," Cobaltclaw meowed at the same moment.

"Huh?" Cory glanced from one to the other, looking baffled.

Cobaltclaw seemed to realize that he had interrupted his Clan leader, and had given advice that directly contradicted her. He slapped his tail over his jaws and took a step back. "Sorry," he muttered through a mouthful of fur.

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