Chapter 16

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Author's Note: I can't believe I have to say this, but please refrain from commenting anything about homophobia, racial slurs, or pedophilia. The comments will be deleted by me. These things are not tolerated on this account as this is a safe space for everyone. Thank you :)

Every cat turned to gaze at the kittypet. Harleymoon's eyes were glaring and her fur was fluffed up in anger so that she looked twice her size. "Well, why are you?" she repeated.

"I don't know," Tinycloud replied with biting sarcasm. "Could it be because they're brave and loyal and good at hunting, or is that just crazy?"

"But they haven't had any proper training," Cobaltclaw pointed out.

"They didn't need any," Clovertail retorted.

Frecklepaw eased himself closer to his mentor, backing him up. "I bet they don't even know the warrior code!"

"And what about apprentice tasks?" Birdpaw chipped in with a mutinous look on his face. "We all have to do them!"

Poppystar raised her tail for silence. She was furious with Harleymoon for breaking into the ceremony, and disturbed that other cats were backing her up, when they had kept their opinions to themselves until now. But with a pang of guilt she had to admit that there was some truth in what they said.

"There's no need for fur to be ruffled over this," she meowed. "Cherrytail and I believe that this is the best way to acknowledge all that the visitors have done for Skyclan. They have learned our skills, and taught us skills we never knew before. How could we treat them as apprentices? However," she added, forestalling another protest from Harleymoon, "I'm sure they won't mind helping with the apprentice tasks so that they experience every part of Clan life."

The visitors glanced at one another, as if they weren't so sure about that.

"If it's all too much trouble..." Stumpy murmured.

"This is my decision!" Poppystar raised her head and stared out across her Clan. No cat was going to bully her out of finishing the ceremony. She felt Cherrytail's green gaze fixed on her, and saw him give her a tiny nod of approval.

"Haze, Starclan honors your courage and skill," she went on, "and we welcome you as a full member of Skyclan." She rested her muzzle on Haze's head, and after a moment's hesitation Haze licked her shoulder and moved back to stand beside Tinycloud.

In the same way Poppystar made the other three Twolegplace cats full members of Skyclan. She felt flustered; the ceremony didn't seem right without giving the cats warrior names.

"Haze! Stumpy! Cinder! Cory!"

At the end of the ceremony some of the Skyclan cats called out the names of the new warriors, but others, Poppystar noticed, kept silent. Harleymoon, of course, who had turned her back and refused to watch the ceremony. Cobaltclaw and Frecklepaw, Amber and Birdpaw... I'll need to keep an eye on them, and make sure they don't create trouble. Sparrowpelt was quiet, too, Poppystar noticed with a sinking feeling in her belly. And Lichenfur, Fallowfern, and Patchfoot. Great Starclan! Please don't let this split the Clan.

When the voices had died away, Haze stepped forward again and inclined his head formally to Poppystar. "I thank you on behalf of all four of us," he meowed. "I'm sure we have much to learn from one another."

"Yes, I'm sure we do," Poppystar responded.

But she still felt uneasy. It hadn't been a proper ceremony, and she was sure there were things about the Clan's four newest warriors that were being hidden from her.

And I have to say something to Harleymoon about the way she disrupted the ceremony, she thought, anger still tingling through her pelt. But what?

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