Three - April

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As I left my bookstore for the evening, I left Clarie, Sonia, and Rebecca, so they could close up for the evening. As I finally arrived at the Devil Jesters club, I parked my motorcycle next to Luca's. Taking my helmet off, I gave a short nod to the club members smoking outside. Entering the club, I was hit with the fimilar smell of alochol, sexual arousal, food, and smokes.

Luca, with his inked sleeves and piercing blue eyes, met my gaze with a wide smile. He excused himself from the group he was talking to, his steps purposeful as he closed the distance between us. In a move that made my heart race, he grabbed the back of my head and claimed a passionate kiss. A moan mingled with the sounds of the club, my fingers curling into his shirt as our lips tasted sweet intimacy.

Breaking away, Luca kept his forehead against mine, a silent declaration of our bond. As they shared another softer kiss, I pulled away, and Luca kept a hand around my waist as we walked over towards the bar, where my brother was waiting. He took a sip of his beer before looking at me.

"April, I wanted to apologise for my behaviour yesterday. I shouldn't have yelled at you the way I did," Tristian said.

"I'm sorry too, Tristian. I don't even know why I asked. I guess I just want to understand why she hated me so much," I said, knowing it's a hard situation for him as well.

Luca pressed his lips to my temple before ordering me a raspberry soda and vodka. Tristian knew that Luca and I were dating, I was going to tell him, but he caught Luca and I making out in his office. At first, he was angry and scared that I would get hurt but remembered that Luca may be mean to others, but to me, he was calm and collected.

Just as Tristian was about to reply, our sister Renee walked in. Her eyes filled with anger. Renee was the second oldest, Tristian stepped in front of me, protecting me from her wrath.

"How can you not see our mother. She's our mother! You cold heartless bitch" Renee shouted at me. I bit my lip, feeling Luca's hand tighten in a protective hold. He looked at some of the bikers, giving them a short nod.

"Don't you dare talk to April like that. She doesn't have to go, she shouldn't have to go," Tristian scolded, Renee scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "You don't understand the trauma our mother inflicted on April. The pain she caused. I don't understand how you can support a mother like that."

"She's our mother, we have a right," Renee fought back.

I leaned further into Luca, the shouting was getting to me and I found myself back in my childhood home. I dropped the glass I had in my hand alerting everyone around me.

"Angel," Luca whispered.

"Oh please, this is why she hated you April," Renee hissed, as she went to step forward towards me. Three bikers blocked my view while Tristian glared at Renee.

"Get out and don't ever come back. You and the rest are just as bad as our mother," Tristian scolded, Renee huffed once more before leaving the club.

My chest felt tight, my knees felt weak as some of the trauma came back. Luca grabbed my face, holding it so I could see his eyes.

"Angel, look at me." Angel was a nickname he gave me, when I first met him and he has kept it ever since. "Angel, come back to me. Here my voice, feel my chest." He placed my hand on his chest, he held it there allowing me to feel his heart pumping.

I slowly began to match his rhythm, as my breathing became regular again. Luca pulled me into his embrace holding me, he asked one of his workers at the club to clean the mess up before escorting me to his office. He shut the door and locked it behind him. Guiding me to his chair, he sat down before pulling me onto it. Cuddling him tightly.


Sitting on Luca's lap, my legs were wrapped around his waist, my eyes locked onto his, "I can't get enough of you," I breathed in a soft murmur, my warm breath caressing his lips.

A smirk tugged at Luca's lips as he met my gaze, his eyes reflecting a turbulent mix of desire and affection. "You're my drug, my addiction," he whispered huskily, his voice carrying a raw hunger.

Our bodies moved in a silent dance, shedding layers of clothing with each tender touch and fervent kiss. My gentle fingers undid every button on his shirt, the fabric slipping off his broad shoulders as if eager to reveal the inked canvas beneath. With practiced ease, I unbuckled his belt and jeans, unveiling his aroused form with a tantalizing promise.

Kneeling before him, I took him in my hands, my touch igniting a primal groan from Luca's throat. I teased the tip of his cock, eliciting a guttural response before devouring him with a heated fervor. The sensation of my mouth exploring him sent shivers down his spine, each movement a symphony of pleasure.

Driven by an insatiable need, Luca guided me over his desk, his gaze hungry with desire. With a single powerful thrust, he entered me, our bodies molding into one in a primal union. "Oh, yes... Luca," I gasped, my voice a mixture of ecstasy and urgency.

The rhythm of their bodies intertwined, a sensual symphony of passion and longing. As Luca's hand found its place on the nape of my neck, guiding our movements with an intoxicating intensity, my cries of pleasure filled the room.

Each movement a declaration of unbridled lust and tangled emotions. Luca, consumed by his need for me, delved deeper, igniting a fire that burned through their very core. With each thrust, he sought to claim me, to possess me completely in a frenzy of desire.

My body arched in surrender, my cries of ecstasy mingling with Luca's primal grunts of pleasure. The symphony of our lovemaking crescendoed, reaching a peak of euphoria as I succumbed to the waves of pleasure crashing over me. My climax washed over me in a tumultuous release, painting the room with the essence of our shared passion.

With a primal hunger, Luca devoured my essence, his tongue tracing the sweetness of ny release. My cries of pleasure filled the air, mingling with the heady scent of their shared desire.

Ride Or Die: II Book 1 Of The Devils JestersWhere stories live. Discover now