The Small Argument

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Honeybee felt a surge of frustration as the Batmobile roared back into the cave. She had repeatedly warned Batman to be cautious and seek assistance, but he always seemed to ignore her advice. As the vehicle came to a halt, Alfred swiftly approached her, carrying a well-stocked medical kit. "Come along, Miss Melanie," He urged, "Who knows how wounded Master Bruce may be." Reluctantly, Honeybee followed the Butler to the waiting Batmobile. 

The vehicle's doors popped open, and Batman emerged with a grunt, clearly struggling to maintain his composure as he leaned against the vehicle's frame. Honeybee immediately rushed to his side, ignoring his muttered attempts to reassure her that he was fine. 

"Shut up, Bruce," She grumbled, her concern evident in her voice. Batman, despite his usual stoicism, could not hide the pain he was in as he finally relented and allowed himself to be led to the medbay. Once there, he tried to brush off the severity of his injuries, insisting that he was fine. Honeybee shot him a withering glare. "Bane nearly killed you, Bruce," She reminded him sharply. Batman, ever the defender of Gotham, countered by mentioning the presence of Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD during the confrontation with Bane. However, Honeybee was not about to let him off the hook that easily.

"Shut up and take off your suit." She growled.

After the grueling battle, Batman peels off his suit, revealing a myriad of purple, yellow, blue, and green bruises that mar his entire body. Honeybee, visibly distressed, clenches her jaw and mutters curses under her breath. Bruce observes as Alfred carefully prepares the gauze. "You've only been here for a week, and you're already worried about me?" Bruce remarks, lifting his arms so Alfred can tend to his side. 

Melanie addresses Bruce with a mix of concern and frustration, "Why wouldn't I be concerned, Bruce? It's only been a week, and you're already so badly injured." Bruce chuckles softly, wincing in pain, "Well, I guess I've left quite an impression on you." Melanie shoots a pointed look at him as she bandages his ankle, "Always the charmer, aren't you?" Bruce smirks playfully. Melanie's eyes widen as she realizes his playful intent, "W-what?" She stammers. Bruce snickers, "Are you blushing?" Melanie's cheeks flush a deeper shade, "No," She protests.

Bruce glances at Alfred to see him giving the hero a pointed look, "Don't mind me, Master Bruce," He glances at Melanie, "If you excuse me." He leaves the Batcave. "What are you doing?" Melanie questions, the blush fading from her cheeks. Bruce stands up with a grunt, "Nothing." Melanie crosses her arms, "Nothing? Excuse me, Mister 'Billionaire Play-boy'." Bruce huffs, "Okay. Me pulling the play-boy act doesn't work for you." Melanie fake laughs, "No shit, Sherlock. When someone pulls that move, I feel used." Bruce raises his hands in surrender and moves away, "Okay, okay." He puts his hands on his bandaged sides, "You were right earlier." He looks at her, "I did need help. Gordon and the GCPD showed up just when Bane was about to throw the container at me."

Melanie's eyes bore a weariness that matched the weight of her words as she fixed Bruce with a steady look. Bruce, in the midst of slipping on his shirt, stole a glance at her before responding. "You need to train me. I can't stay in the Batcave forever," She insisted, her tone carrying a gravity that demanded attention. Bruce let out a resigned sigh, sinking back onto the edge of the bed. "You're not ready," He countered. Melanie arched an eyebrow, her resolve unwavering. "I'm not ready? Then train me more," She pressed, her steadfast confidence filling the room. Bruce met her gaze, acknowledging the truth in her words. He knew she lacked the necessary training, realizing that he had kept her confined to the Batcave without imparting all the knowledge she required. "Alright," He relented, the weight of the decision evident in his tone, "I'll take you with me tomorrow."

Melanie took a deliberate breath as she exited the medbay, the air feeling crisp against her skin. She unzipped her Honeybee suit, the material cool beneath her fingertips, and carefully examined the vivid yellow and black stripes that adorned it. Bruce approached, his eyes fixed on her with intensity, and leaned against the wall with his arms folded. "You've already mastered self-defense techniques, but it's time to delve into offensive strategies," He explained with a steadfast expression. Melanie met his gaze with unwavering determination, realizing that her proficiency in safeguarding herself was just the beginning, and she was now ready to venture into the realm of offense.

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