Chapter 7: Silver Chariot

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Just a little Authors Note before we get into this. To the two people that I definitely know are reading this story and voting for it, thank you so much! It means a lot! (Sorry for my grammar and spelling errors. I don't often edit these after I publish.) Anyways, onto the writing!

"You know your way around a sword." Avdol said.  "I'll grant you that much, but, it'll take much more than mere ego if you think I'll be defeated by the time the flames reach twelve. Your pride may very well be you undoing.. uh-  Mr..."

"Pardone moi. We haven't been introduced yet. My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff!" The man now identified as Polnareff said.

"Well met Polnareff. It's good to know the name of one's opponent... However!" Avdol pointed to the table and it went up in flames. 

You had to admit, you were terrified of Avdol and SO thankful that Dio was unable to gain an ally like that on his team. His power was strong, and fast. On top of that, Avdol had so much knowledge about stands so fighting an opponent like him would be difficult. You almost felt sorry for the poor French man.

"Back to the task at hand." Avdol interrupted your thoughts. "If you're under the assumption that my flames only burn upward, or with the wind as they would in nature, let me assure you they do not. My stand is named Magicians Red because it wields fire as if it's magic." Avdol explain.

"Flames are what started this world. I should've expected as much from a stand like Magicians Red who represents beginning. However, you dare to speak of pride and ego? I assure you that my pride is well deserved!" Polnareff said. 

Suddenly, the man tossed 5 coins in the air, lit them on fire and stabbed them with his sword. He was incredibly fast!

"In a fraction of a second when the coins lined up, he skewered all five of them in a single shot!" Joseph yelled.

"Yeah, thanks for letting us know, I couldn't see with my own eyes." You said sarcastically. Joseph gave you an annoyed look.

"No" Jotaro remarked. All of you turned to face him. "Why don't you take a look at him again." Jotaro said.

"It can't be" Kak exclaimed.

"I already saw this..." You said.

"There, on the blade of his sword! He's cut a bit of flame for every coin that he hit!" Avdol observed.

"Once again already saw this..." you said again.

"No you know, this isn't mere ego. My stand has the unrestricted power to cut fire into strands like it's nothing. It can slice through air, creating a vacuum, guiding the fire." Polnareff stated.

You rolled your eyes. This was starting to get boring.

"Face it! Your stand, Magicians Red is powerful, but it's nothing against the likes of my Silver Chariot!" 

You wondered if this fight was even going to go anywhere. Until Polnareff appeared near the door. 

"Victory and conquest. Those are the traits of the Chariot card. This isn't fair, no? Your flames need a more open space to serve a better purpose. Beating you at the apex  of your powers, misiour, is the only victory worthy of my stand." He said. "ALL OF YOU, FOLLOW ME OUTSIDE!" 


SCENE CHANGE: Tiger Balm Garden - located in Hong Kong

You all walked out to a strange garden. of course, Joseph was the first to remark on it with a racist undertone. 

Maybe it was fate : JotaroXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now