Bonus: Beach day

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Third POV

Percy and Armani had been looking forward to their beach day for weeks. Despite the crowded New York beaches, they had managed to secure their own little spot through sheer dedication, arriving early to claim it as their own. Today was no different. As Percy made his way towards their designated area, anticipation buzzed in his veins.

Arriving at the beach, Percy scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of Armani. He frowned when he didn't see her, wondering if he had somehow beaten her there. But then, a figure emerged from the water, glistening in the sunlight. It was Armani, her brown braids pulled                 back into a ponytail, wearing a sleek black bikini that left little to the imagination.

Percy couldn't help but feel a rush of heat to his cheeks as he took in her appearance. He glanced from her feet to her thighs, her waist, chest, and finally her face, only to meet her amused gaze, as she caught him checking her out. Flustered, Percy quickly looked away, feeling his blush deepen.

"Finally," Armani said, sauntering over to Percy. "Took you long enough. I practically swam to Greece and back while waiting for you."

Percy still couldn't find his voice, his eyes inadvertently drawn back to Armani's bikini-clad figure. When she caught him staring, she smirked knowingly, relishing in his flustered state.

"What can't handle a little skin, Jackson?" Armani teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Percy's blush darkened as he struggled to form a coherent response. "I-It's not that," he stammered, feeling utterly flustered.

Armani laughed, her melodic voice echoing over the sound of the waves. "Relax, Percy. It's not like you haven't seen me in a swimsuit before," she said, bending down to retrieve her towel.

Percy averted his gaze, feeling like he was walking straight into a trap. "I know, but we were younger and less...less developed" he muttered, his words barely audible.

Armani burst into laughter, her infectious giggles filling the air. "Oh, so you're nervous because I have boobs and some ass?" she exclaimed, teasingly. "I don't know if I should take that as an insult or compliment because I'm pretty sure I rocked the one-piece look."

Percy couldn't help but chuckle, but he also couldn't disagree.

"Now get your mind out of the gutter and let's go surfing," she said, as she grabbed her surfboard and ran towards the sea. He laughed watching her run, as he grabbed his own as well and jogged after her.

The whole point of this beach day was to test if surfing would come easy to the son of Poseidon. I mean, it was also a good skill to learn, and it would be less embarrassing if he did it with someone else, so here they are.

They played in the water surfing. It was a lot of trial and error for the two, which meant a lot of tumbling and painful collisions, but with the help of Percy's powers and practice, they were able to get it.

After a while, they got tired and returned to their spot.

"That was fun, but I felt like we were cheating. You know, with your powers and all," Armani said.

"Well, technically we aren't it's natural, well for me," Percy responded, sitting down on their blanket.

"Surrreee. At least we proved the fact that surfing does not come easy to the sons of Poseidon, or maybe it's just you," she said.

"Hey," Percy exclaimed as he gently nudged her.

From a distance, two boys were staring in their direction. One of them was blond with green eyes and the other was a brunette with brown eyes. It seems they were discussing something while pointing in Armani's and Percy's direction. It seemed like one of them made up their mind and started to walk in their direction.

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