Page 29, Blood For Blood

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Harry and his boys didn't know what was going on. All they knew is that they were being hunted by a monster of unknown origin. Harry, being the coward that he is, saw a barn in the distance and didn't even notify his boys to tag along. Before long, one got swooped up, and blood curdling screams could be heard from a few hundred yards away. As the last remaining 2 were running for their lifes, Harry made a sharp turn towards the barn.

Harry's last remaining boy screamed in terror and yelled, "WAIT, WHERE ARE YOU GOING!? WAIT FOR ME!!" But before he could make it to the barn, Harry being the snake that he is chose to save himself and lock the barn doors shut. Harry, he heard his last remaining boy scream, "AGHHHHHH!! IT'S GONNA GET ME!! HARRY, PLEASE!! LET ME IN!! NOOOOOO!! A loud thud hit the ground as blood splashed the large barn doors. Then it was dead quiet. A frightened Harry closed his eyes and whimpered, "THIS ISN'T REAL, THIS ISN'T REAL!!" Then suddenly, a loud crash came booming through the roof of the barn, Harry thought he was safe as he was grabbed by the neck. Then a soft monotone voice spoke, "Hello Harry..." With his neck firmly grasped and being choked, Harry was barely able to make out the words, "J-JENNIFER?" Jennifer squeezed tighter inches away from snapping his neck, and Harry made the sound, "WUAGH!" Jennifer brought Harry closer to whisper in his ear, "blood for blood..." Then she snapped his neck, instantly killing him...

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