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In the heart-pounding aftermath of the standoff, Hope's world narrowed to a single, desperate objective: to confront the monster who had terrorized her for far too long. With a primal scream of rage, she launched herself at her stalker, her fists pounding against his chest with a fury born of years of pent-up anguish and fear.

But before she could land the final blow, strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her back from the brink of violence. Startled, Hope turned to see Mark, his eyes filled with concern as he held her tightly, preventing her from unleashing the full force of her rage.

"Easy, Hope," Mark urged, his voice a steady anchor in the storm of emotions raging within her. "We can't let him win by making us into something we're not."

Though her instinct was to fight tooth and nail until justice was served, Hope knew that Mark was right. Killing her stalker would not erase the trauma he had inflicted upon her, nor would it bring back the sense of safety and security she had lost. With a heavy sigh, she allowed herself to be pulled back, her fists unclenching as she relinquished her grip on vengeance.

But even as she stepped away from the edge of darkness, another threat loomed on the horizon. Haechan, who had been standing guard nearby, suddenly sprang into action, his eyes widening in alarm as he spotted the glint of a blade in the stalker's hand.

Without hesitation, Haechan leaped forward, placing himself between Hope and her would-be attacker. In a split second decision that would change the course of their lives forever, he drew his own weapon, a flash of steel slicing through the air as he intercepted the stalker's deadly strike.

A chorus of screams echoed through the night as the blade found its mark, sinking deep into Haechan's flesh with a sickening thud. Time seemed to grind to a halt as Hope watched in horror, her heart shattering as she realized the depth of Haechan's sacrifice.

With tears streaming down her face, Hope rushed to Haechan's side, her hands trembling as she applied pressure to his wound in a desperate bid to stem the flow of blood. Beside her, Mark stood stoically, his jaw clenched with grief and fury as he surveyed the scene before him.

With a steely resolve, he drew his weapon, his finger tightening around the trigger as he took aim at the stalker who had wrought so much pain and suffering upon them.

In a split-second decision, Mark fired, the crack of gunfire ringing out like a thunderclap in the night. The bullet found its mark, striking the stalker with deadly precision and sending him crashing to the ground in a heap.

With a heavy sigh, Mark lowered his weapon, his gaze never leaving the fallen figure at his feet. Though he had acted to protect those he cared about, the weight of his actions bore heavily upon him. For in that moment, he had taken a life, forever altering the course of their collective fate.

Beside him, Hope's hands trembled as she clung to Haechan's side, her heart heavy with grief and uncertainty.

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