End Of A Dream

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It's been about 6 years since I have gotten that coven sigil. My hair did grow a little and I've grown taller, not as tall as Sawyer but, whatever.

I've gotten an idea of how to hide my palisman and no one suspecting it, since I can't really keep him in his staff form and just hide her in the closet, using her as my hair also known as abomination hair anyway, Sawyer changed a bit as well, he has grown a bit taller than me, not only that but, he has grown his hair, a lot, I did ask him if he was going to cut it but, he didn't want to and I respect that.

I sat on my bed with Sawyer, he covered his face with a pillow.

"You are not cutting my hair off Darius!" He said, I grabbed the pillow and looked at him "Yes you are, you get branches on your hair from the times you decide to hide in the bushes!" I said, Sawyer ran and stood on the window.

"At least I can hide my staff in it!" He laughed "Ew! Your staff is going to be covered with hair!" I said;

"Hey, you use your palisman as your hair!" He said, my eyes widened a little. "It's one way of hiding it without the others finding out and besides I feel like this suits me," I said.

"I'm not judging, I'm just saying since you want me to cut my own hair," Sawyer said and crossed his arms;

"Fine, you can keep your hair long but, on one condition," I said, Sawyer looked at me curiously
"And what's the condition?" He asked and crawled to me.

"I'm going to braid it" I said and looked at him giving him a small kiss on his forehead "Alright then! Deal!" he said and sat in front of me, I looked at him and began brushing his hair.

"Thanks, Darius for doing this," He said,

I looked at him and began braiding his hair. "It's no problem, Sawyer," I said.
A few minutes later, I finished braiding his hair. Sawyer hopped out of bed and ran to the mirror;

"So..what do you think?" I asked and looked at Sawyer,

Sawyer hugged me tightly "I love it!" Sawyer said, I looked down at him and kissed his head "I'm glad you liked it" I said, Sawyer looked at me and had no idea.

"Darius you should meet me outside in the woods, I want to do something," he said;
I gave him a nod,

"Alright, I'll meet you there," I said as Sawyer got up and ran. However, he stopped for a second turned to me and kissed me on my head. As soon as he kissed me, he left my room.

I headed outside of the woods to where Sawyer was, he didn't notice me;

I snuck behind him "Whatcha doing?" I said,

Sawyer flinched and looked at me "Darius, don't scare me like that!" Sawyer said,

I giggled and crossed my arms "So, what do you wanna do?" I asked,

Sawyer grabbed my hand and ran, my eyes widened a little "Sawyer! What are you doing?!" I asked "Taking you somewhere special," Sawyer said and laughed.

We soon arrived at the place,

it was the beach, I looked around and then back at Sawyer "..Why did you take me here?" I asked,

"I've heard it was one of your favourite places so, I took you here and we needed some time off the castle," Sawyer said and looked at the sea;

I looked down and sighed "Yeah, maybe you're right," I said,

Sawyer grabbed my hand "Sit down, you're gonna get blisters from those heels if you keep standing," Sawyer said and giggled a bit;

He sat down as I sat down beside him, I watched the waves and just thought of something, a way to protect Sawyer, my thoughts were interrupted by Sawyer

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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