Chapter two - No!

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Ezra, Faye, and Sage - Vivs Friends
Rae -Vivs crysg

"Was that Rae" said Ezra gasping
"Oh the stupid girl you got a crush on" said Faye "nothing interesting about her lets go." They said rolling their eyes
"But-" I said as I ran up to them.
"She might be the one! How do you even know she's straight." I asked
"She looks straight and hangs out with the homophobic kids. She is none of OUR concern. She's just a busy low life who wants to hate on gay kids" said Faye as we walk into a hot topic

"Oh my god" screamed Ezra "these arm warmers are so cool" she said as she admired the black and red striped arm warmers
"Oh my gosh get them!" Said Faye.

I was looking at shirts and I check my money.
Hmm only 20 dollars so 3 shirts it is!
I have another 20 dollars for the rest of the mall.
I got out 3 shirts and then went to check out
"Hey Viv can we have some of your money?" Asked Faye "there's some things we want but we need to save our money for other things" said Ezra

"No I only have 20 dollars left after I buy these" I said giving the lady my money. Then I look back at her.
I stand still
But Ezra and Faye keep talking. "Well we are your friends and WE need money. Why are you so rude it's only a couple dollars" said Ezra
"Uh no it's 20 dollars. Way more than a couple. You guys got 60$ each use your own money. I'm lucky I even got 40." Rae put the stuff in my bag and she gave me my receipt
"Have a nice day" I said tucking some hair behind my ear
"You to" said Rae smiling.
After Ezra and Faye fought over money they eventually bought their stuff
"Ok what shop next?" I ask
"Hmm how about" Faye starts and then Ezra and Faye gasp "BOX LUNCH!" They both yell and they run to the store. I try to catch up but I just yell "OK! I'LL GO TO ANOTHER STORE!" they yelled back ok and I went back into hot topic.
I walk up to Rae
"Hey, I feel like I didn't properly introduce my-" I start to say but she interupts me "Im sorry but.. Someone told me you like me... As like a diehard crush and it's kinda weird how obsessive you are over me" she said "I am bisexual but I don't want a obsessive crush sorry... " I pause. FAYE AND EZRA TOLD HER?

"i-" I start to say "I have a crush on you, true but not obsessive? Who told you I was obsessive." I say
"Well they said you have photos of my everywhere, you have drawings say love me, and after that I just stopped him cause that was weird as shit" said Rae
"Oh my god" I said "I swear to God you can come to my house but I don't have any photos of you. I literally just met you yesterday. I do not have photos saying love me." I try not to cry

"Oh, then thank god! You seem like a cool gal." She sighed "but you did have a crush on me?" She said smirking "Uh- i- no!" I said and then I ran. I swear I heard her giggling as I ran. So goddamn embarrassing.

I then go to box lunch to see Ezra and Faye. I need to talk to them.

"Ezra, Faye. Which one of you told Rae I have a crush on her" I said crossing my arms.
"Well I told a friend but I didn't think he'd tell Raeeee" she said
"Still! You shouldn't have told!" I saw angrily
"Well she doesn't like you anyways and she's straight so move on" Ezra rolled her eyes as she said that.
"Uh no she's bisexual. We had a talk and she told me" I said.
Ezra and Faye turn their backs and I think exchange a look.

"Oh then she might like you!" Said Faye Trying to sound happy
"Yeah yeah confetti and all" said Faye.
Now since we are going to one more store and leavingggg" said Ezra
"How about some money" said Ezra with her puppy dog eyes.
There's nothing at box lunch I like besides the pins and with my change u got for hot topic I could buy some

"Ugh fine" I said giving her the 20$ and then I went and grabbed some pins.

I bought my items and so did Faye and Ezra and we were out.

"Oh my gosh let's buy makeup" said Faye Fixing hers
"But it's expensive" I add
"We can steal duh" said Ezra

"If you are I'm not going" I said

"Ok? You snooze you loose." Said Faye "Come on Ezra let's go to Ulta!" Then they ran to the makeup store.
I walked back to hot topic cause I was bored

"Back again?" Said Rae "at this point you would be obsessive" she said jokingly

She grabs over a chair and we talked
"What's your name" she asked
"Vivian but my friends call me Viv" I said
"Well I think we should be friends" said Rae. "What's your sexuality" she asked
"Oh I'm Questioning" I said "what's your pronouns then?" She asked "oh any! I don't mind, what bout you?" I asked
"I go by She/They pronouns! I'm Demi-Girl, what's your gender?" Asked Rae
"I'm Agender" I said.
I hear Faye and Ezra screaming for help
"Oh god" I said. I got up from my chair and Rae Followed me.

Faye and Ezra got caught stealing and they are getting dragged away
"I told you so" I muttered under my breath

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