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I wonder whats wrong with Germany... He has been avioding me for over a month.

We are allies, friends...I wish were more than friends though... I slightly smiled to myself looking up at my bare ceiling with sadness.

I love Germany... but lately he won't even spare me a glance...

I sigh getting up from my bed and walk to the kitchen only to see Germany talking to Japan.

I look at them but immeditaly look away when I see Germany as red as one of my fratello's tomatoes.

Does Germany like Japan?...

I popped the fridge open and hide my face behind its large silver door.

My mind wandered off to Germany holding hands with Japan, cuddling with him ....kissing him.....doing 'that' with him.....

My face goes red and I shook my head taking my mind of the heart breaking thought of Germany kissing Japan...

Japan is one of my best friends but I love Germany and nothing can change that...

I felt my heart break into millions of tiny pieces as I got a water bottle. I tilted my head down trying to hide the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes.

Japan noticed me trying to hide my face and walked up to me while Germany retreated to his office shutting the door gently.

"Italy-kun, are you ok?"

"Ve..I'm fine..."I say sadly turning away to walk back to my room to cry.

I feel my arm get pulled back and I turn to see Japan with a serious face, which is really rare to see.

"Italy-kun, I know it isn't my business but do you like Germany-san?"

I can feel my face turning from sadden to blushing in a heart beat while Japan slowly smiled at my reaction.

"Italy-kun, I know you love Germany-san and to tell you the truth, I think he likes you too." Japan said chuckling at how red my face is.

"D-do you really think he likes me?..."

"Yes,now go talk to him, I'm going be with Hercules-san for a while,I have some things to talk to him about...sayōnara Italy-kun"

With that Japan left, leaving me alone with Germany.

Sighing I walked back to my room thinking about what Japan had just said.

Once in my room a drank a bit of my water and lay back down thinking about Germany.

My thoughts started with the good times we've had in training and such but ,as all thoughts do, mine started to wander off to something more...heartbreaking...

I thought of Germany going to war again and me having the same experieance as with Holy Rome...

I don't want Germany to dissapear like Holy Roman Empire did, I loved him...

Now I love Germany but I know he doesn't love me back dipite what Japan says.

I started thinking about life if Germany really did love me.

Life would be different...very different...

I closed my eyes and again began to think again of the good times Germany and I have had in the past.

My mind slowly difted into the bliss of dreams as I fell into unconcuiousness....


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