The Queen of Pixie Hollow

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The trembling fingers delicately hold the golden crown that was carefully crafted for the queen to be. A queen was being crowned for the first time to oversee and rule over Pixie Hollow. The regal crown gently is placed onto the young princess's head with shaking fingers. "Our queen has been crowned!" the voice came from the fairy with the anxious hands. "I am pleased to announce, her royal highness, Queen Clarion" The crowd of fairies instantly applauded and cheered for their new queen.

"Congratulations, your highness"
"My queen, you will do great things"
Many congratulations came from the crowd of fairies as the queen glided by to return to the pixie dust tree.

Being crowned from princess to queen so young was not what I had grown up expecting. It was exciting but it would definitely be a challenge to adjust to. I was very grateful that every fairy was being so kind and helpful to me so far. I just hoped that I could make every fairy proud.

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