The Invitation

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I fly through the castle in a hurry to return to Clarion. I had been a little longer than I had expected since I had to take care of the baby owl's wing. "I'm back" I announce as I open the door to my bedroom but Clarion wasn't in my bed. I ponder through the castle searching for her, wondering where she could have wondered off to. "Hey, Frost. I was wondering if you had seen–.." before I can finish what I was going to say, Frost grins at me as I enter the room. "Oh Milori. You're back! Your new friend, Clarion is lovely. She was just telling me about your little adventure" I plaster a fake smile on my face. Clarion walks over to me with one of my blankets wrapped around her shoulders "I'm so glad you're back! Was everything alright?" I was at a loss for words, how was she out of bed? I knew she wasn't completely well yet but I didn't think she would be feeling well enough to be strolling through the castle. "Everything was fine. Just a baby owl" I chuckle awkwardly as my eyes wandered over Clarion. "Frost brought me some medicine, he said the doctor dropped it by after he visited. It seems to have worked quickly" I nod my head as she walks a little closer "Thank you for looking after me, Milori. I am very grateful to you" she smiles as she extends her hand to my shoulder, rubbing it with affection. I try to remain composed although I had been caught off guard, Frost wiggles his eyebrows at me with a stupid grin on his face. I politely smile to her, not wanting the warmth of her hand to leave. Clarion's hand slowly moves further down to my bicep giving it a small pat as she slowly pulls it away. "It was nothing, I'm sure you would have done the same for me." Clarion tightens the blanket around her body as her cheeks turn a light shade of pink, she shyly turns her attention elsewhere. "Lo–.." I turn to Primrose entering the room, I send her a look as I shake my head. Her eyes widen as she nods in understanding. She clears her throat as she approaches me with a letter in her hand "Milori, you have been sent a letter". I hold back a groan, not to Primrose necessarily but more to the fact of another disruption. "Do you want me to leave while you read it?" I toss my hand in the air "Nonsense. You are always welcome, no matter what" I take the letter from Primrose as I begin to read it.

Dear Lord Milori, Lord of the Winter Woods.
It has come to my attention that you didn't attend the crowning ceremony of her royal highness, Queen Clarion so you may be unaware that there is going to be a ball in her honour next week. If you could kindly accept or decline by Wednesday, to give us enough time to prepare for the celebration.

Thank you!
~ River, the Queen's Advisor.

Today was Sunday so I have three days to answer the invitation. It's not that I didn't want to go but I like Clarion not knowing me as the 'Lord of Winter' and I believe she feels the same way about not sharing the fact that she has just been crowned as the Queen of Pixie Hollow with me. If I accept, she may not want to be friends with 'The Mean Lord Milori' as some fairies like to call me behind my back as they think I'm too strict.

I quickly shoved the letter back into the envelope as I earn weary looks from the three fairies around me. "I'll answer it later" I say quickly, not wanting to worry Clarion. "How's the baby owl?" Clarion asks in a soft voice, laced with concern for the animal. "It will be better soon, it has an injured wing. I brought it here to take care of it." I say assuringly as Clarion gasps "Would it be possible for me to see it?" The way that the eyes lit up made it impossible to say no, if I wanted to. "Of course." We flutter side by side together as we head to the stable outside. I carefully open the door to not spook the young owl as we head inside. "Aw. It's so cute, Milori!" Clarion squeals as she flies to the owl's side. "Careful Dear, the owl was pecking the winter soldiers" I quickly fly to Clarion's side incase I need to intervene. The owl looks down at the two of us as Clarion gently stroke's it's feathers. The baby owl 'Hoos' in reply as it brushes it's head happily against Clarion. "I think he likes me" she giggles, playfully nudging me. My eyes light up with a smile "He most definitely does" I answer, stroking his feathers too. "Does he have a name?" She asks curiously as I shake my head "No, how about you name him for me?" I smile as she thinks about a name. "How about Tundra?" I smile at her "Tundra it is then."


"You'll make sure to write letters to me?" Clarion asks me as we stand at the border. It was time for her to go back to her royal duties. "Of course. We can make time to visit each other." Clarion gives me a sad smile as she slowly nods her head, removing my feathered cape. It was now my turn to shake my head "Keep it" she lightly laughs "No I want you to keep it. I might need to take it off you next time I visit." I give her a tight smile as I take my cape from her, my fingers brushing against her own, they were so warm and cosy. I fasten my cape over my shoulders as we say our goodbyes. "I'll see you soon, okay?" She nods her head, waving as she flies over the boarder to return back to the pixie dust tree.

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