Doctor Evergreen

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"There you are! L–.." the winter fairy clears his throat "Milori.. there was an incident while the army was training." Milori turns to me with a sigh escaping from his lips, the cold air follows. "I'm very sorry, I'll have to cut your tour short. It seems I have an urgent matter to attend" I nod my head understandably, trying to hide my slight disappointment from enjoying Milori's company so much. "Do you want me to help you find your way back?" He asks softly, I shake my head "I'll be just fine. Thank you, Milori" I remove the warm cape from my shoulders as I hold it back out for Milori to take "Keep it, please" the winter fairy interrupts sternly "You really do need to come now, Sire" Milori gives him a look which makes the man keep his mouth shut. "You'll freeze without it, Clarion" Milori won't take no for answer and puts his cape back over my shoulders. His fingers brush against my collarbone as he does so "Oh my frost, Clarion! You're freezing! We need to warm you up, quickly" I hold back a groan, stupid cold. I was having a splendid time with Milori that I didn't care if my body was freezing. "Do you still have enough energy to fly?" I flutter a few feet off the ground but quickly fall down into Milori's arms. Milori wraps his arms around me tightly as my head lays on his chest.

Clarion's body is freezing to touch, I feel awful for not realising sooner. I hold her closely in my arms to try and give her some of my body's heat. I fly as fast as I can to get back to my palace, with Icy (the winter fairy) trailing behind me, blabbing about the incident that I could care less about right now. I frowned when I see Clarion's eyes have closed. I fly with all of my strength to reach the castle as soon as possible. Arriving in record speed, I zoom inside. I debate on whether I should take Clarion to a guest room but quickly make up my mind and instead decide my bedroom will be much comfier for her. I open the covers and place Clarion down, pulling the covers back up. A knock follows on the door "It's Primrose, Lord Milori. Is everything alright? You flew through the palace in such a hurry. I thought I would check on you" I glance at Clarion's sleeping frame "Send for the doctor at once, Primrose. That will be all for now" I commanded. "Yes, right away, Lord Milori." I thought about the lack of blankets around here since I don't feel the cold too bad "And Primrose? Please advise one of the staff to ensure we have plenty of warm blankets from now on" I called out. "Of course, Sire. I shall send the doctor in as soon as he arrives" I thought to myself, body heat is probably the fastest way to warm Clarion up but on the other hand, we only just met today and I wouldn't want to overstep any boundaries. On the other hand, she is unwell. As soon as I had made up my mind there was a knock on the door, a sigh escapes from by lips as I quickly pull it open. "Doctor Evergreen. Thank you for coming so quickly." Doctor Evergreen nods his head, walking over to my bed before he looks at me in shock "You didn't say the patient was the Queen of Pixie Hollow for frost sake!" I felt ashamed, maybe I should have mentioned that minor detail "None of that matters now. Just help her Doctor, please" I kept a close eye on Doctor Evergreen to make sure he didn't put his hands anywhere that he shouldn't. "She will be just fine. It seems to be a case of hypothermia, which is exposure to being in the Winter Woods. As a warm fairy, the Queen's body isn't used to the temperature as we ourselves are accustomed to it. Just make sure she stays warm and returns to the other side of the border as soon as she feels well enough to travel" my heart sank at the news. Clarion would have to return so soon. Perhaps I was being selfish, she has Pixie Hollow to rule over after all. Maybe I am meant to be alone, even if I do get lonely.

"Milori?" The sound of Clarion's voice made me jump to my feet and rush to her side. "You're awake" I felt relieved and disappointed at the same time, I didn't want to have to eventually say goodbye.

"How are you feeling, my dear?" The question made me feel giddy when it really shouldn't have. "Much better now, thank you" I decided my response should stay professional, I didn't need to get too ahead of myself. "I probably should get going. I do have things to tend to" I jumped to my feet, mistakenly feeling my body starting to sway. "My company can't be that bad that you are willing to risk your health, can it?" A subtle smirk sits on Milori's face as he gently guides me to sit back down. "Oh no, your company certainly is wonderful, don't get me wrong. It's just that... we've only just met and I feel like I'm intruding on being in your home. That's all" Milori's laughter that follows, makes me smile "Don't be ridiculous, Clarion. I brought you here because I wanted to. I could've taken you elsewhere, if I didn't want you here" I just nod back in response at Milori's sweet words. "Can I get you anything? Would you like some tea or perhaps something to eat?" I smiled sheepishly "I am still rather cold. Maybe some tea would do me well, if it isn't any trouble for you" Milori playfully shook his head as he walked out of the room, slowly closing the door on his way out.

How does one make tea for a queen? I quickly made my way down to the kitchen "Lord Milori! How can I be of service to you?" I politely waved a hand at my butler "No need, Frost. Just making a cup of tea. Thanks" I murmured, scanning through the different types of tea available. I suppose one can't go wrong with peppermint tea. "Who's the lady?" I look at Frost in shock at his lack of manner as a member of staff but as an old friend, I cut him some slack. "You very rarely drink tea so one would assume it's for a lady. Especially if you're making it yourself" Frost's playful smirk angers me but I shouldn't be angry at his comment, he's not wrong. Frost's look of realisation quickly appears "I'm sorry, Sire. I apologise for my unprofessionalism." I pour the hot water into a soft blue teacup and stir the teabag. "It's fine, Frost. You're lucky that you're considered an old friend". Once the tea is ready, I grab the blankets from the staff and head back to Clarion.

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